Tag Archives: milk

Is milk and meat from the offspring of a bull genome edited to have no horns safe to eat?

AoS. Is milk and meat from the offspring of a bull genome edited to have no horns safe to eat?

Horns on cattle are an animal welfare and human safety concern, but most high producing dairy breeds grow horns. Introducing the polled (hornless) trait into the dairy population by crossbreeding would also introduce non-productive traits by linkage

Photonic biosensors for mycotoxin detection in milk

AoS. Photonic biosensors for mycotoxin detection in milk.

Contamination of food and agricultural products by various types of toxigenic molds (fungi) is a serious and global problem. Fungal toxins, in particular, mycotoxins produced by several species of fungi are naturally present in food species such

Milk and beef: Do production enhancing hormones pose a health risk?

After World War II, a sharp increase in demand for beef and dairy products, coupled with a burgeoning veterinary pharmaceutical industry, led to a number of changes in animal husbandry, including a reliance upon exogenous hormones to

Non-medicated milk replacer containing Bacillus amyloliquefaciens reduces intestinal pathogenic bacteria counts in dairy calves and adult dogs

Waste milk is not suitable for human intake; however, it contains essential nutrients that can support calf growth. About 22–62 kg of waste milk is wasted per cow yearly in the USA, leading to a drastic economic

The physical entrapment of milk fat in cheese products impacts structure and functionality

Fats are an integral part of many food products, contributing to texture, flavor, and satiety aspects. In general, fats exist as a mixture of both solid and liquid triglycerides, where the solid fraction assembles into crystalline domains

Fabrication of magnetic activated carbon as a new adsorbent for ultrasonic assisted magnetic solid phase dispersive extraction of bisphenol A from milk

Bisphenol A (BPA), is an organic chemical compound that has been widely used as a monomer in the manufacturing of polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins, in thermal paper production and as an additive in the formation of

Milk exosomes for drug delivery

The need to effectively deliver drugs to target site has employed a multitude of substances varying from biological to a chemical nature and solid metals for the preparation of tiny drug delivery vesicles called nanoparticles. However, factors

Milk fatty acids as possible biomarkers to diagnose hyperketonemia in early lactation

Aim of this study was to assess the potential of milk fatty acids (FA) as a diagnostic tool for hyperketonemia. Negative energy balance is a common phenomenon in the transition period in dairy cows. During this period,

Allergy: the latest technology in vitro in the service of an appropriate diagnosis

The countless and various allergen sources from both the plant kingdom is to the animal kingdom constantly stimulate our immune system.So the allergy diagnostics laboratory is evolving using new technologies such as molecular biology, nanotechnology to highlight

Sweetness of recombinant human lysozyme

Here, we reported that lysozyme found in human milk elicits sweet taste as well as chicken lysozyme with 20-folds more sweetness than sucrose by weight. Lysozyme is an enzyme that degrades the bacterial cell wall and thereby

Side effects from medications in mother’s milk

Mothers are often concerned about medications they are taking while they are breastfeeding. This can result in their stopping breastfeeding or avoiding a medication needed for her health. We searched the medical literature from 2002 to the