Tag Archives: model
Cs adsorption by Mn‒Fe-based Prussian blue analogs formed in agarose gel
Biophysical modulation of lipid model membranes by cobalt and nickel
Turkey model for flexor tendon research – can it replace the canine model?
Acute ischemic stroke: An urgent call for help and funding!
Simple mathematical formulas for tracking the number of antibiotic resistance cases globally
The blood is Newtonian in LDL deposition through artery walls
Multiplex methods provide effective integration of multi-omic data in genome-scale models
In vivo imaging of immunotherapeutic glioma model
Biophysical characterization of monofilm model systems composed of selected tear film phospholipids
The tripartite cognitive model of panic disorder
Fighting chronic rejection of transplanted organs
From complex questionnaire and interviewing data to intelligent Bayesian Network models
The key key to open the door of iPSCs clinical therapy for patients
Reconstruction of chromosomal structures
Under a certain approximation, the following simplified format can be adopted. DNA is considered as a very long sequence in the {A,C,T,G} alphabet. Certain regions of the sequence with specific positions have a particular role and are
Comparison of the effect of exercise on late-phase LTP of the dentate gyrus and CA1 of Alzheimer’s disease model
Curcumin, from Indian spice to a molecular model in drug discovery?
Does acute kidney injury affect other organs?
Importance of updating prognostic predictions: an example from breast cancer
Placental transfer of the HIV drug dolutegravir in a human ex vivo perfusion model
The fetus of an HIV-positive woman has a 25% chance of becoming infected during pregnancy. HIV medicines have shown to be highly effective in preventing fetal infection with HIV. A part of the efficacy but also the