Tag Archives: monitoring

Chronic Care Model and multi-morbidity patients. Insights from patients’ perception

Chronic Care Model. AoS

More and more countries have been implementing chronic care programs, such as the Chronic Care Model (CCM) to manage non-acute conditions of diseases in a more effective and less expensive way. Among the CCM components there are

Threats from antifouling priority pollutants in the Adriatic sea

To ensure the preservation of public health and ecosystems it is essential to reach a good chemical status of surface water bodies and groundwater. To this end, such waters should comply with the Environmental Quality Standards (EQS)

Hair analysis as a novel method for the non-destructive and non-invasive monitoring of metal exposure in bats

As a result of human activities, many wild organisms are exposed to increased concentrations of metals in their environment. Urbanized areas are typically more polluted than remote areas due to enhanced emissions of metals mainly by traffic