Tag Archives: mortality

Mortality attributable to influenza, evidence and considerations after the Covid-19 pandemic

AoS.Mortality attributable to influenza, evidence and considerations after the Covid-19 pandemic

In the last recent years, before the Covid-19 pandemic, influenza-attributable mortality has been impressive, in particular among elderly aged 65 years. A wide variability between different countries, seasons, and years was observed. In Italy, during the four

Factors increasing mortality of the elderly following hip fracture surgery

Hip fracture is one of most common public health problems with significant financial burden on the patient and health care systems. Risk of mortality in elderly patients with several comorbidity is high especially during first year following

Stopping light drinking may increase death risk among healthy adults

Former drinkers, that is those who have stopped alcohol use, have higher mortality than lifelong abstainers. Higher mortality may be due to some disease, alcoholism or ending beneficial moderate drinking, which has been found to decrease mortality.

Higher ticagrelor mortality in the FDA adverse event repository: time to stop TV ads?

Despite broad utilization of oral P2Y12 platelet inhibitors such as clopidogrel, prasugrel, and ticagrelor, the comparative mortality risks of each agent are unknown. Moreover, few available randomized data are challenged with restricted populations, double – digit drug

Which better for cardiac surgery, VIMA or TIVA?

Approximately 1 million cardiac surgery procedures are performed worldwide every year. Morbidity and mortality after this kind of surgery continue to decrease, but nonetheless remain higher than in other fields of surgery, predominantly because of insufficient cardiac

Could a sick heart be treated with additional energy substance?

The heart is a muscle organ that by means of blood pumping provides continuously changing requirements in oxygen, energetic and building material to the tissues and organs. The heart in a couple of minutes could augment the

Levosimendan to reduce mortality in cardiac surgery (CHEETAH trial)

Over the past decade, there was a significant decline of mortality after cardiac-surgery. Although the average perioperative mortality for elective procedures currently is 1% to 2%, the rate of major complications remains high. Low-cardiac-output syndrome (LCOS, a

Money is not enough for our health, but greater knowledge on how to spend it

It is well known that a low socioeconomic status is a major risk factor for health. Actually, deprived people do experience higher death rates and that is partly because of poor health behaviours (smoking, low exercise, poor

Frail patients are at increased risk of death following surgery

As a busy surgeon it is sometimes very difficult to predict which patients will do poorly after surgery. Current preoperative measurements have proven to be inaccurate. This may lead to patients undergoing surgery and having bad outcomes.

Long-term outcome in patients admitted with a heart attack and detected with increased blood sugar levels during admission

An Oral Glucose Tolerance Test ( OGTT ) is one of the diagnostic tests to determine the presence of pre – diabetes or manifest diabetes. An OGTT involves drinking a 75 gram sugar solution after 8 hours

Diminished disease-free survival following lung cancer surgery

Treatment of lung cancer requires removal of a portion of a vital organ, which may reduce life expectancy. This would be acceptable when surgery prevents death from cancer. It is harmful in cases identified by screening in

CKD affects mortality in TAVI patients

Aortic stenosis (AS) is the most frequent type of valvular heart disease in Europe and North America. It primarily presents as calcific AS in old people (2–7% of the population > 65 years). Calcific AS is a

The cellular advantage of using a macrolide for community-acquired pneumonia

Community-acquired pneumonia has been one of the top ten causes of death in the US over the last 60 years despite the widespread use of antimicrobials.  National guidelines (at idsociety.org) recommend two primary antibiotic regimens – one

Road traffic noise linked to deaths and increased risk of stroke

Traffic noise is a known environmental risk factor for health. Health effects of noise exposure are hypothesised to occur via several pathways. Exposure to noise may affect the autonomic nervous system increasing heart rate, blood pressure and

Death and stroke risks after surgical aortic valve replacement: A real world perspective

With a rapidly rising proportion of aging population, aortic stenosis (AS) represents one of the most common valvular heart diseases affecting adults in the US and accounts for at least 92,000 aortic valve replacements (AVR) annually in

What is the right blood transfusion trigger?

Blood transfusions are used in medical practice every day all over the world. Their use is largely aimed at restoration of the necessary number of red blood cells (erythrocytes), which main goal is to transport the oxygen