Tag Archives: mouse

When will my mouse die?

AoS.When will my mouse die?

The maintenance of health is ensured by the function of the three homeostatic systems of the body: the nervous, endocrine and immune systems, and by the net that allows crosstalk between them: the neuroimmunoendocrine communication. With aging,

Blood vessels regulate fetal brain growth

Millions of neurons are generated during fetal development from progenitor cells that reside inside the embryonic brain. These neural progenitor cell (NPC)s divide many times to generate new neurons in a process termed ‘neurogenesis’. At each cell

Rodent cochlear nucleus – the common and the uncommon

Our perception of environmental sounds depends on the function of our ears. Sound vibrations received by each of our two ears are converted to electrical signals in the cochlea part of the inner ear. The electrical signals

Cyagen Biosciences – Helping you choose the right animal model for your research

While many animal models are available “ off the shelf ” through various repositories and collaborations, generation of novel animal models has allowed for more effective studies, not limited by previously derived lines/ strains. Historically, researchers have

A “TORgeted” way to heal the gut

Our intestine is critical for absorbing the dietary nutrients that we need to survive. It performs this function by producing, from pools of intestinal stem cells (ISCs), a constant stream of new cells (differentiated cells) that have

Fighting chronic rejection of transplanted organs

In many diseases the only available cure is organ transplantation. However, if the transplanted organ does not derive from an identical twin (which is genetically identical to the recipient) it becomes rejected by the immune system of

The key key to open the door of iPSCs clinical therapy for patients

The discovery of iPSCs is probably one of the most astonishing accomplishments in the beginning of 21st century. This is by 4 early protein factors, the differentiated cells–such as fibroblasts, T and B cells—can return to pluripotent

Consuming a probiotic once a day could improve cognitive skills

Probiotics, which are friendly and beneficial bacteria to our bodies, could improve cognitive skills, i.e the ability to learn, memorise, process information or react to events, as demonstrated by researchers at the APC Microbiome Institute, University College

Gene therapy: a promising candidate for cystic fibrosis treatment

An improved gene therapy treatment can cure mice with cystic fibrosis (CF). Cell cultures from CF patients, too, respond well to the treatment. Those are the encouraging results of a study presented by the Laboratory for Molecular

Age-dependent impairments in spatial learning in mice with reduced BDNF levels

The protein BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) belongs to the family of nerve growth factors (neurotrophins). Therefore, one of its major functions is related to the maturation and differentiation of developing nerve cells in the brain. But BDNF

In vivo imaging of the lung inflammatory response to Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Chronic inflammation of the airways is a central component in lung diseases and is frequently associated with bacterial infections. Monitoring the pro-inflammatory capability of bacterial virulence factors in vivo is challenging and usually requires invasive methods. The

Fully human anti-CAIX antibodies for RCC immunotherapy

Globally, there are roughly 270,000 new cases and 116,000 deaths attributed to kidney cancer occur each year. More than 90% of kidney neoplasms are classified as renal cell carcinoma (RCC), which accounts for 3% of all adult

A new mouse model to study the biology of depression in cancer

Patients with advanced cancers often experience depression, which can significantly reduce their quality of life and increase mortality. Currently, the lack of a valid and useful animal model is the greatest obstacle for studying the basic biology