Tag Archives: MRI
Pancreaticobiliary reflux (PBR) and biliopancreatic reflux (BPR) can be diagnosed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Magnetic stimulation to target auditory verbal hallucinations in schizophrenia
A personalised operation to stabilise aortic root aneurysms
Cerebral small vessel disease burden is increased in lupus
An organic gas instead of inorganic gases for the enhancement of 129Xe magnetic resonance signals through optical pumping
Cerebellar and brainstem malformations
MRI with GBCAs – Practical help to ensure patient safety
Malayeri et al writes: “At present, there is no evidence suggesting that gadolinium deposition in the brain alters neurologic function”. Where is the evidence for this statement? Free gadolinium is highly toxic. Even though no clinical implications
Using electrochemistry to address current needs in micro imaging
Strong magnets to investigate novel dental implants
Visual side-effects in radiation treatment of meningioma
Understanding how enzyme injection for Dupuytren’s disease works
Screening breast MRI in patients with personal history of breast cancer
This study looked at patients who had a personal history of breast cancer diagnosed at a premenopausal age to see if having screening breast MRI provided a benefit to the patient. Patients with a personal history of
Cortisol levels as index for vulnerability to stress
Routine brain MRIs may not be needed after meningioma surgery
A meningioma is a very common form of a brain tumor that tends to affect elderly patients and women. Most patients with meningiomas do not need any treatment, however, certain groups undergo surgical removal of the tumor.
New MRI method for patients with fast and irregular heartbeats
Functional networks of the awake rabbit brain
Palpating the brain with MR Elastography to diagnose normal pressure hydrocephalus
Normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) is a treatable cause of dementia that accounts for about 6% of dementia cases. It is a condition of elderly individuals of unknown cause, and is characterized by the presence of excessive fluid