Tag Archives: muscle

Muscle pain treated with injected normal saline solution

AoS. Muscle Pain Treated with Injected Normal Saline Solution

Pain comes in all shapes and sizes. Ranging from acute to chronic, from nociceptive and myofascial to neuropathic, pain is a part of life. Myofascial or muscle pain, is among the most common. With a lifetime prevalence

Zinc promotes myoblast differentiation activating Zip7 transporter and Akt signalling pathway

Skeletal muscle is a heterogeneous, dynamic and plastic tissue, which comprises 40% of adult human body mass. Through contraction and relaxation, skeletal muscles provide movement and stability to the body. Besides the mechanical function, muscle tissue also

Unboxing the role of TBX1 in palatal development: a gene profiling study

Cleft palate (CP) is a disease where there is an opening or split in the palate (the roof of the mouth). CP has been reported in 1 to 2 of every 1000 births worldwide and is the

Dynamic electron microscopy: recording of ATP-induced myosin head movement in living muscle myosin filament

Muscle contraction results from relative sliding between actin and myosin filaments, caused by cyclic movement of myosin heads coupled with ATP hydrolysis. It is generally believed that individual myosin heads M), extending from myosin filaments, first bind

Cocaine damages the muscle of the eels

The increasing use of illicit drugs by humans resulted in a gradual contamination of surface waters, since these substances, excreted with the urines, are not always efficiently removed from sewage effluents in sewage treatment plants. Today, the

Spindle associated membrane protein 1 (Samp1) in muscle differentiation

Skeletal muscles, the most common type of muscle in the body, are responsible for voluntary movements. Skeletal muscles are formed in a process called myogenesis (differentiation of muscles). During myogenesis a single-nucleus-myoblast (undifferentiated muscle cell) fuses with

Muscle wasting with chronic diseases: Can Sirtuins fix the problem?

Prognosis of a chronic disease worsens when associated with uncontrolled muscle loss. Muscle wasting can become the last nail in the coffin when accompanied with chronic diseases like cancer, heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and infective

Energy in versus energy out – the key to optimising body composition for endurance athletes?

Running and triathlon are among the most popular and fastest growing sports in the world. In these sports, time of is of the essence and strategies to reduce time taken to complete a set distance are most

Light-controlled muscle-powered walking biological robots

For centuries, engineers have built with traditional materials, such as woods or metals, which can’t dynamically respond to changes in their environment. Intuitively, we know that biological materials can do things synthetic materials cannot. For example, our

MicroRNAs fighting muscle wasting during ageing

Have you ever wondered why we age? With time, our joints, bones and muscles become weaker; wrinkles appear and we lose hair and sense of hearing and sight. However, not only our body experiences external changes; inside,

Inventing an new flap for small to medium-sized defects of the knee

Coverage of soft tissue defects of the knee due to multiple operations, trauma and infection remains a surgical challenge. Often these defects are repaired using free tissue transfer. The aim of the current study was to find

Quadriceps performance under activation of foot dorsal extension in healthy volunteers

The muscle (m.) quadriceps femoris on the front of the thigh stretches the leg in the knee joint and is the strongest muscle in the human body. It is important in activities of daily living as walking

Muscle stem cells fail to become activated in Pompe disease and do not repair the accumulating muscle damage

Skeletal muscle is the largest organ of the body and is responsible not only for movement , breathing and posture, but is also important in regulating body temperature. It is not surprising that defects in muscle function

Bioengineered human pyloric sphincters with functional muscle and nerves

The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is a hollow tube that primarily functions to mediate the digestion of the food that we eat into forms of energy and nutrients that the cells and our body can use. The appropriate

A method of production of boneless chicken wings without cutting skin and muscles

Broiler chicken wings including drumettes and winglets, which contain much less meat than do other parts (including leg and breast) of chicken carcass, are commonly served without deboning. However, if deboned, the value of chicken wing may

Person centered progressive resistance exercise for women with fibromyalgia

Muscle strength in women with fibromyalgia (FM) is reduced compared to healthy women and a reason for this might be a low level of physical activity at such intensity that is required to maintain or improve muscle

Botox injections: a “bittersweet” medicine

Despite being one of the most deadly neurotoxins known to man, Botox has become a popular cosmetic treatment for reducing facial wrinkles. Originally, Botox injections were used for reducing uncontrolled movements caused by neuromuscular disorders that impaired

New biomimetic materials for muscle regeneration

Skeletal muscle formation derives from a coordinated sequence of molecular and cellular changes, ultimately leading to the expression of large, multinucleated contractile fibers, characterized by a highly ordered assembly of striated myofibrils. To form contractile fibers, developing

Excess oxygen worsens actual oxygen supply to the heart muscle in pigs

The use of supplemental oxygen in acute medical care is perceived beneficial by many health care professionals. However, current guidelines limit the excess use of oxygen after successful resuscitation following cardiac arrest. This recommendation is based on

Effects of whey protein on strength, fat free mass or lean body mass

Protein supplementation has become common practice for many competitive and recreational athletes. Since a variety of protein sources and multi-ingredient formulations are marketed, athletes and nutritional coaches would need to know more on the effectiveness of such