Tag Archives: muscle
Muscle pain treated with injected normal saline solution
Zinc promotes myoblast differentiation activating Zip7 transporter and Akt signalling pathway
Unboxing the role of TBX1 in palatal development: a gene profiling study
Dynamic electron microscopy: recording of ATP-induced myosin head movement in living muscle myosin filament
Cocaine damages the muscle of the eels
Spindle associated membrane protein 1 (Samp1) in muscle differentiation
Muscle wasting with chronic diseases: Can Sirtuins fix the problem?
Energy in versus energy out – the key to optimising body composition for endurance athletes?
Light-controlled muscle-powered walking biological robots
MicroRNAs fighting muscle wasting during ageing
Have you ever wondered why we age? With time, our joints, bones and muscles become weaker; wrinkles appear and we lose hair and sense of hearing and sight. However, not only our body experiences external changes; inside,
Inventing an new flap for small to medium-sized defects of the knee
Quadriceps performance under activation of foot dorsal extension in healthy volunteers
Muscle stem cells fail to become activated in Pompe disease and do not repair the accumulating muscle damage
Bioengineered human pyloric sphincters with functional muscle and nerves
The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is a hollow tube that primarily functions to mediate the digestion of the food that we eat into forms of energy and nutrients that the cells and our body can use. The appropriate
A method of production of boneless chicken wings without cutting skin and muscles
Person centered progressive resistance exercise for women with fibromyalgia
Muscle strength in women with fibromyalgia (FM) is reduced compared to healthy women and a reason for this might be a low level of physical activity at such intensity that is required to maintain or improve muscle