Tag Archives: neurons

HIV-1 alters mitochondria in neurons and contributes to HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders

HIV-1 alters mitochondria in neurons and contributes. AoS

Human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV) enters the brain during the initial stages of infection and can cause neurologic dysfunction. Despite the success of HIV treatment through combination antiretroviral therapy (ART), impaired neurocognitive function remains an important problem

Are iron oxide nanoparticles neurotoxic?

Are iron oxide nanoparticles neurotoxic? AoS

Among the different types of nanomaterials, iron oxide nanoparticles (ION) awaken a particular interest due to their unique properties, including superparamagnetism and high biocompatibility. These features make them very suitable for a broad variety of uses, mostly

New psychoactive substances: metabolites of synthetic cathinones induce cytotoxicity in human neuronal cells

New psychoactive substances. AoS

Recently, a large number of novel psychoactive substances (NPSs) have appeared on the European market. Their growing diffusion has become matter of worldwide concern and alarm for public health authorities, legislators, and clinical health specialists. They are

How to detect dying neurons in the central nervous system?

The central nervous system (CNS) changes dynamically throughout an animal life. In the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, asymmetric mitosis of the neuroblasts during embryonic development produces about 10,000 differentiated neurons that form a juvenile (larva) CNS. These

An in-silico meta-analysis of cell-type-specific non-CpG methylation

Nowadays, the amount of raw data required for a genome-wide analysis is quite large and it is often difficult for even its original author(s) to spend enough time for its thorough analysis. Further, it would be practically

Skin cells help to find new drugs for dying neurons

Huntington disease (HD) is an inherited disease that causes the progressive death of nerve cells in the brain structure. In mid ages this leads to several symptoms including uncontrolled twitching movements, called chorea, emotional problems, and loss

A new dimension to molecular mechanisms underlying learning

Neurons are the excitable cells responsible for processing and transmitting information in the nervous system. A neuron typically extends a long thin axon to transmit information to target cells and several shorter dendrites that receive input from

Neurons share the same destiny irrespective of their location: A closer look at PP-MS pathogenesis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease of the central nervous system, caused by the reaction of immune cells against myelin, a membrane that surrounds the axons of nerve cells. MS is characterized by the presence of inflammatory

Developing a sense of direction

Nervous systems continuously perform computations to create thoughts, feelings, and perceptions of the world. Circuits composed of neurons, which are the specialized cells of the nervous system, execute these calculations. To do so, neurons in a circuit receive input

Stem cell therapy for Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease is one of the most common neurodegenerative diseases of the central nervous system. Its main symptoms are motor disturbances such as tremors, rigidity and slowing of movements; although patients may also suffer from sleep disorders,