Tag Archives: neuroscience

Why do some people self-harm under distress? Harvard study suggests impulse control is key

AoS. Why do some people self-harm under distress

Self-harm, or non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI), refers to people intentionally hurting themselves without intending suicide. Common examples include cutting, burning, or hitting oneself. A growing number of adolescents and young adults report NSSI – yet most have no

Future trends in high-resolution 3D visualization of individualized neurons in whole tissues using Synchrotron-based X-ray microtomography: a new world to be explored

Future trends in high-resolution 3D. AoS

The understanding of neuron cells as individualized entities has its beginning in the 19th century as a result of the work developed by Santiago Ramon y Cajal on the basis of histological techniques developed by Camillo Golgi. These

Understanding the behavior of fly larvae from neural activities in their isolated central nervous system

Understanding the behavior of fly larvae. AoS

You may have heard about “The brain in a vat”, the philosophical scenario which talks about simulated reality and conceptions. It may sound bizarre and unrealistic. However, larval fruit fly neuroscientists literally perform the experiment to understand

Developmental metaplasticity in cortical codes of firing and structure

Cortical plasticity, underlying the brain’s ability to change, has been largely viewed in two separate contexts: early development, governed largely by genetics, and later adaptation, governed largely by experience. Age-related cortical degradation is yet another aspect of

The arms really can give the legs a helping hand in rehabilitation of human walking

The emergence of upright, bipedal walking is a characteristic of human evolution that separate us from our quadrupedal cousins—other animals. The upright walking posture freed our hands so that we could perform skilled tasks like signaling, carrying,

Non-invasive brain stimulation: how reliably can we change your mind?

Non-invasive brain stimulation is becoming increasingly popular within scientific research. This is because it has the ability to painlessly influence targeted regions of the brain, without the side effects associated with many medications. At first glance, the

Seeing the world in three dimensions, fast-but-rough and slow-but-accurate

When we perform a task, there is generally the tradeoff between the time taken to achieve the goal and the quality of the attained result. For example, when we solve a mathematical problem, we can quickly perform

How good are we at memorizing and recognizing voices?

Thanks to modern technology, we do not experience many situations in which we are required to recognize the voice of a familiar person calling us at the phone; we know who we are speaking to because it