Tag Archives: obesity
Naturally occurring peptide may tackle the “root cause” of obesity-related diseases
Am I at risk of developing diabetes if exposed to insecticide?
Other components of less common oilseeds are much more beneficial for health than their unsaturated fats
The ‘fundamental questions of obesity’: Asked and answered
Excessive postprandial VLDL remnants in plasma cause obesity and insulin resistance
Analyzing the past to understand the future of anti-obesity therapeutics
Don’t assume cause and effect is obvious: Why obesity isn’t to blame for errors in burn assessment
The role of oxidative stress in Type 2 diabetes
Does body mass index affect how well patients do after meniscus surgery?
Obesity is present in about 38% of adults in the United States, and as many as 67% of patients with knee injuries (including meniscus tears). Some research has shown that obese patients have worse function and more
B-vitamins over-consumption may be the cause of the increased prevalence of obesity and diabetes
Mother or father obesity may lead to offspring obesity in the adult life
Is apolipoprotein C3 always bad for your health?
Obesity fuels breast carcinogenesis: What is the molecular basis?
The lysosomal enzyme cathepsin D as novel therapeutic target for non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
The decrease in physical activity combined with increased caloric intake has led us to a global obesity epidemic. Obese patients can develop metabolic syndrome (MetS), which is a term used to assess the risk of a patient