Tag Archives: persistence

Antibiotic tolerance in bacteria: how to regain susceptibility?

AoS. Antibiotic tolerance in bacteria.

Bacteria use a plethora of mechanisms to evade killing by antibiotics. Resistance is the best documented mechanism. Here, genetic changes in the bacterial DNA result in antibiotic insensitivity. As a consequence, resistant bacteria are able to grow

Clinical depression predicts persistence of paranoia in clinical high-risk patients to psychosis

Pathways to both occurrence and persistence of paranoia and persecutory ideation have always been a topic of great interest in psychiatry research. Emotions, anxiety and depression in particular, have been in focus of this discussion. Wilhelm Griesinger

Is the post-polio syndrome due to chronic poliovirus infection?

Over the years, poliomyelitis survivors may experience e progressive decline of physical strength accompanied by intolerance to cold, chronic pain and other disabilities. This condition, termed post-polio syndrome (PPS), may lead to the incapacity of living an