Tag Archives: ph

The primary cilia bend with the flow but do they sense the pH?

AoS. The primary cilia bend with the flow but do they sense the pH

Cilia are minuscule hair-like projections rising out of most cells in the body. Among these cellular protrusions known as cilia, some can generate movement, rotate or flick while the primary cilia sway helplessly to the flow of

Prison break – How fungi escape from a hostile environment inside immune cells

Prison break – How fungi escape from a hostile environment inside immune cells. AoS

Candida albicans is a commensal yeast of humans and colonizes ≈70% of the human population. It is common for C. albicans to cause self-limiting infections, but severe infections can be life-threatening. Invasive candidiasis occurs in patients with a

Electrifying drug delivery

Most patients with chronic illnesses are treated with oral drugs and injections. These delivery methods are plagued by low drug efficacy and nonspecific side effects. In addition, studies estimate that as high as 60% of the patients

What pH at the sites of calcification of an octocoral tells us

Corals are marine organisms which elaborate calcium carbonate skeletons, a process known as biomineralization or calcification. This process involves the regulation of ions at the site of calcification together with the synthesis of organic molecules such as

The application of biosensors for meat quality analysis

To meet the demands of growing meat consumption in recent years, animal farming tended to increase meatiness. The rise of meatiness was not in concordance with the improvement of the meat quality. The quality of meat is