Tag Archives: plasma

Plasma cell myeloma: an integrated diagnosis of multiple dimensions

AoS. Plasma cell myeloma.

Plasma cell myeloma, a neoplastic proliferation of plasma cells, is one of the most common malignancies in the world. The clinical symptom and treatment response of individual patient are variable, which may relate to the underlying heterogeneous

Washed platelet concentrates prevent recurrent transfusion reactions

Platelet transfusion is commonly used to prevent or treat bleeding in people with thrombocytopenia or platelet dysfunction. Among transfusable blood products, however, platelet concentrates (PCs), which also contain plasma, have a higher frequency of transfusion reactions than

Plasma CTSD activity: a non-invasive biomarker for hepatic insulin sensitivity

type 2 diabetes. AoS

Due to the obesity epidemic, the incidence and prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus continues to rise globally. Type 2 diabetes is characterised by a relative insulin deficiency and an impaired insulin sensitivity in certain specific target organs. Insulin sensitivity can

Unknown sonochemistry

The chemical effects of ultrasound, named sonochemistry, are known since 1927.  Today, there is a consensus within the scientific community that sonochemistry arises from the violent collapse of microbubbles formed in liquids submitted to power ultrasonic waves.

Heat-alkalinity-time pasteurization can efficiently inactivate PEDV in porcine plasma

Emergence of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) in North America and Asia resulted in massive losses to the pork industry. The virus is spread by the fecal-oral route and infection can cause acute diarrhea, dehydration and vomiting

Binding study of fibrinogen and albumin to metal oxide nanoparticles and its relevance in nanomedicine

The binding of proteins to different inorganic surfaces plays an important role in natural processes such as the growth of bone tissue (protein-mineral interactions) and in biotechnological and biomedical applications. Recently, the binding of proteins to metal

Plasma filtering techniques for nuclear waste cleanup

The development and production of nuclear weapons throughout the cold war period led to the proliferation of radioactive waste. Significant quantities of liquid waste were released directly to the environment.  Only the most highly radioactive fraction (in

Fragments of erythrocyte membranes are not only able to stop the bleeding, but also are able to prevent the spread of thrombosis

Red blood cells (RBCs), also called erythrocytes, are the most common type of blood cell and principal means of delivering oxygen to body tissues. Human erythrocytes develop from stem cells into mature erythrocytes in about 7 days. When matured, in a healthy individual these

Metformin is a potential remedy for the treatment of Gaucher disease

Glycosphingolipids (GSLs) are amphipathic compounds consisting of oligosaccharides and hydrophobic chain of ceramide. They are ubiquitously distributed in the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane and believed to be involved in a large number of cellular processes,