Tag Archives: protein kinase

All You Need to Know About Protein Kinases

AoS.All You Need to Know About Protein Kinases

A fascinating field of biological study is that of genetics. Almost every ailment that a human can suffer from has some basis within their genes. As understanding grows within this ever-growing field of study, scientists are continuing

Identification of new medicines for novel pathogen protein kinases with substrate-dependent assays

Protein kinases (PKs) are enzymes that transfer a phosphate group, a process called phosphorylation, from the ATP to another protein, which acts as a phosphoacceptor (Fig. 1). Phosphorylation of proteins regulate their activity, and these reactions are

When inhibition means activation: towards the disclosure of the role of PKCδ in cell demise

Gliomas are highly invasive tumor cells which synthesize numbers of proteins/enzymes performing different functions. Some of these enzymes affect the cells survival, proliferation and migration, the others force the cells to commit suicide known under the term