Tag Archives: protein
Linking copper, tyrosines and protein aggregation in Alzheimer’s disease
BioID screen for bacterial virulence proteins: new tools for infectious disease research
All You Need to Know About Protein Kinases
Other components of less common oilseeds are much more beneficial for health than their unsaturated fats
Protein disorder in algal metabolism
Preventing over-treatment in euthyroid patients with thyroid hormone abnormalities
Cryo-electron microscopy in drug development
The protein TMEM147 is a novel regulator of cholesterol homeostasis in human cells
A mass spectrometry view of the interaction of Alzheimer’s disease proteins with an anti-aggregation compound
The immunomodulatory enzyme IDO: Expression in the uterus of mares?
Finding the beta-beta residue pairing for protein structure prediction
Disengaging ATF6 from DREAM for neuroprotection
How does chromium cause lung cancer? Resistance to cellular stress
The cellular protein (cFLIP) downregulates IFN-alpha, a signaling protein involved in the pathogenesis of SLE
Scissors? A truck? Or BOTH? Moonlighting proteins can do it all
Aggregation properties as potential markers for classifying rubber particle proteins
Overproduction of membrane-integral undecaprenyl pyrophosphate phosphatase from Vibrio vulnificus
In the cytoplasm, undecaprenyl pyrophosphate (C55-PP) is synthesized by undecaprenyl pyrophosphate synthase (UppS) through consecutive condensation reactions of eight molecules of isopentenyl pyrophosphate (Ipp) with farnesyl pyrophosphate (Fpp). The product C55-PP is then dephosphorylated to monophosphate undecaprenyl phosphate