Tag Archives: psychiatry

Why do some people self-harm under distress? Harvard study suggests impulse control is key

AoS. Why do some people self-harm under distress

Self-harm, or non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI), refers to people intentionally hurting themselves without intending suicide. Common examples include cutting, burning, or hitting oneself. A growing number of adolescents and young adults report NSSI – yet most have no

Discovery of new genes in schizophrenia: the importance of rare diseases in psychiatry

Discovery of new genes in schizophrenia. AoS

Schizophrenia is a major psychiatric illness affecting one percent of the population worldwide. Patients suffering from schizophrenia present delusions, hallucinations, abnormal behavior, impairment in daily life and cognitive deficits. Current treatments are insufficient in addressing all of

Advances in drug discovery and development in geriatric psychiatry

Drug discovery for disorders of the central nervous system is a long and challenging process, with a high attrition rate from the preclinical stages through to marketing a compound. In geriatric psychiatry, the heterogeneous nature of these

31st American Psychiatry, Psychology and Nursing Congress. Chicago, USA. March 18-19, 2019

We are delightful to welcome you to the 31st American Psychiatry, Psychology and Nursing Congress which is scheduled in the month of March 18-19, 2019 at Chicago, USA organized by Conference Series LLC Ltd in collaboration with

Psychiatry, Women’s Mental Health and Child Protection. Dubai, UAE. August 26-27, 2019

Lexis Conferences welcome you to Dubai, UAE; the most populous and largest city focusing on modern architecture with extravagance shopping and exuberant nightlife scene. Middle East Meetings on ‘’Psychiatry, Women’s Mental Health and Child Protection’’ slated on

Does non-clinical maternal depression have a lasting effect on mother-infant interactions?

The special emotional bond that forms between a mother and her infant appears very early in life. Integral to this relationship is the infant’s ability to be able to detect contingencies between his or her own behavior

Botulinum toxin for depression: Does patient appearance matter?

Most people know Botulinum Toxin (Botox®) as “the stuff that people use to make them look younger.” Botulinum toxin is a “neurotoxin” produced by a bacteria called Clostridium botulinum.  When injected in small amounts, it causes weakening

Can pharmacogenetics testing help reduce psychiatric suffering?

Pharmacogenetics testing is relatively new to the field of psychiatry having been introduced only within recent years and at an affordable cost in the clinical setting. The case history illustrated in this report describes how pharmacogenetics testing

Does your culture create your personality?

Personality is as much a part of human biology as a liver, yet it is understood and evaluated through society, culture, and emotions. Personality is an individual’s unique patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving. Unlike the liver,