Tag Archives: psychology

Why do some people self-harm under distress? Harvard study suggests impulse control is key

AoS. Why do some people self-harm under distress

Self-harm, or non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI), refers to people intentionally hurting themselves without intending suicide. Common examples include cutting, burning, or hitting oneself. A growing number of adolescents and young adults report NSSI – yet most have no

We’re all afraid to die, even the young and faithful

We’re All Afraid to Die, Even the Young and Faithful

Fears of death and dying, sometimes called “death anxiety,” “thanatophobia,” or “mortality salience,” have long been studied in psychology and other fields. The topic is important and interesting because prior studies have shown death anxiety to be

People’s tweets predict their decisions

People spend a lot of time on the internet: they write on social media, shop for products, listen to music, and click on ads. In my research with Dr. Phillip Wolff at Emory, I ask how much

31st American Psychiatry, Psychology and Nursing Congress. Chicago, USA. March 18-19, 2019

We are delightful to welcome you to the 31st American Psychiatry, Psychology and Nursing Congress which is scheduled in the month of March 18-19, 2019 at Chicago, USA organized by Conference Series LLC Ltd in collaboration with

Does non-clinical maternal depression have a lasting effect on mother-infant interactions?

The special emotional bond that forms between a mother and her infant appears very early in life. Integral to this relationship is the infant’s ability to be able to detect contingencies between his or her own behavior

Puberty changes how adolescents remember peer faces

Together with voices, faces are the most important source of social information for humans, even prior to birth. What is equally important to know is how the kinds of information we pay most attention to in faces

Non-invasive brain stimulation: how reliably can we change your mind?

Non-invasive brain stimulation is becoming increasingly popular within scientific research. This is because it has the ability to painlessly influence targeted regions of the brain, without the side effects associated with many medications. At first glance, the

Activity Theory: quest for the unattainable and hope for the future

This paper addresses current problems of theoretical psychology focusing on future perspectives of the Activity Theory (AT). AT (Leontiev, etc.) is the most internationally known development of Russian psychology. AT is rooted in a long European philosophical

“What a long headache you’ve had!” Lingering concussion symptoms may not be what they appear in kids

For most children with a concussion, their symptoms disappear in 1-2 weeks. However, up to 15%-30% of children with a concussion will have symptoms that last 3 months or more. On-going symptoms are important for healthcare providers

How good are we at memorizing and recognizing voices?

Thanks to modern technology, we do not experience many situations in which we are required to recognize the voice of a familiar person calling us at the phone; we know who we are speaking to because it

Relationship quality and sleep

The quality of social relationships and social support appears to be associated with physical health outcomes and sleep quality. Almost all previous research in this area focuses on positive aspects of relationships. In addition to supportive relationships,

Why do we conform?

In 1951, Solomon Ash conducted one of the most famous experiments in the history of psychology. He had participants watch confederates judging the length of a line, often obviously incorrect. And yet, when requested to make the