Tag Archives: psychosis

Sleep abnormalities in different clinical stages of psychosis

Sleep abnormalities are commonly observed in individuals with schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders. Research shows that over half of people with these conditions have trouble sleeping. Poor sleep also often contributes to the development and worsening of

Role of dopamine in cortico-basal ganglia loop in psychosis

Dopamine plays a major role in the formation of acute psychosis, as indicated by the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia. The relationship between acute psychosis and the dopamine system provides insight into the effects of dopamine on brain

Can reports of a homicide committed by a person with schizophrenia change public opinion about them?

Atlas of Science. Can reports of a homicide committed by a person with schizophrenia change public opinion about them?

Schizophrenia is a neurological disorder in which a combination of hallucinations and delusions lead the person to interpret reality abnormally. On May 29th 2009, a patient diagnosed with schizophrenia killed a 4-year old boy and injured his

Painkillers to treat schizophrenia or dementia?

Painkillers to treat schizophrenia or dementia? AoS

Schizophrenia affects about 1 % of general population and may significantly reduce life expectancy. Drug nonadherence remains a crucial problem in the pharmacotherapy of this disorder. Animal and clinical studies results suggest that abnormal kynurenic acid (KYNA)

Discovery of new genes in schizophrenia: the importance of rare diseases in psychiatry

Discovery of new genes in schizophrenia. AoS

Schizophrenia is a major psychiatric illness affecting one percent of the population worldwide. Patients suffering from schizophrenia present delusions, hallucinations, abnormal behavior, impairment in daily life and cognitive deficits. Current treatments are insufficient in addressing all of

Is schizophrenia disappearing?

Psychosis is a mental state with grossly impaired reality testing, manifesting as different mixtures of delusions, hallucinations, deviant thinking and abnormal motor behaviour – so-called positive symptoms. Negative symptoms – reduced emotions, interests, will and social participation

Serious mental illness: accentuate the positive!

As the popular song implies, “accentuating the positive, spreading joy to the maximum” keeps stress at bay and improves mental health. Research in psychology has shown that it is not the presence or absence of fortunate events

Brain structure predicting functioning at a later stage in live in individuals at increased risk for psychosis

Psychosis is a severe mental disorder that is characterised by symptoms of hallucinations, delusions, confused and disturbed thoughts, and lack of insight and self-awareness. Most individuals who are at increased risk for developing psychosis do not develop

Risk factors for psychotic major depression

Risk factors are attributes, characteristics, or experience that increase the likelihood of developing an illness or disorder. An understanding of the risk factors involved in mental disorders may inform the development of more effective treatments or even

Loneliness matters for people with psychotic disorders

When you ask people with a psychotic disorder, like schizophrenia, what challenges them most in daily life they are likely to say – ‘loneliness’. As nearly everyone can attest, loneliness is painful. It’s the distressing feeling that