Tag Archives: salt

How to reduce salt in bread by fooling taste

AoS. How to reduce salt in bread by fooling taste

Reducing sodium dietary intake is a global priority in public health. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends sodium intake for adults to be 2 g/day maximum, equivalent to 5 g/day of cooking salt (sodium chloride, NaCl), whereas

Folding proteins with a pich of salt

The slow but unstoppable progress of evolution has enabled, step-by-step, mutation after mutation, the conquest of almost every possible environment on Earth. Even in those places where conditions are far from “standard”, where the presence of organisms

Low salt intake during pregnancy

All cells of an organism share the same DNA sequence from the time they are stem cells until they are fully differentiated, differing greatly in relation to the profile of expressed genes. Changes in gene expression which

Sex, salt, and the central nervous system: estrogen and body sodium balance

Historically, research about reproductive hormones like estrogen has focused on reproduction and reproductive behaviors. Certainly, this focus is understandable; however, it is becoming increasingly obvious that estrogen plays a broader role . In fact , estrogen profoundly