Tag Archives: sarcoma

Molecular targeted therapy in alveolar soft part sarcoma

Molecular Targeted Therapy in Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma

Alveolar soft part sarcoma is a malignant and rare tumor that includes about 1% of all STS (soft tissue sarcoma), and usually occurs in adolescents and young adults. This type of cancer has tendency toward distant metastasis

Can the heart get cancer? Quite rare, but yes

Can the heart get cancer

To many, the heart seems as an unusual location for cancer. In fact, most tumors that affect the heart are metastatic in origin (start in other organs and disseminate to the heart). Primary cardiac tumors (tumors that

Chemotherapy and radiotherapy in abdominal sarcoma

Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy in Abdominal Sarcoma

Soft tissue sarcomas (STS) are a rare group of cancers that arise in connective tissues such as muscles, fat and blood vessels. STS can occur almost anywhere in the body but are most commonly found in the