Tag Archives: secondary metabolites

Actinobacteria from Algerian ecosystems as a rich source of bioactive molecules promising for new potential drugs

AoS. Actinobacteria from Algerian ecosystems as a rich source of bioactive molecules

Secondary metabolites are molecules not essential for the growth and development of microorganism, mainly having a defence role. They have shown a great potential for the discovery of drugs and their study still draws attention to the

The noxious effects of benthic diatoms on marine invertebrates

AoS. The noxious effects of benthic diatoms on marine invertebrates.

Diatoms dominate various marine and freshwater environments, at any latitude, and are responsible for up to 25% of primary production. They may be either free-living in the water column or produce benthic biofilms. Studies on the chemical

Fruit of the heirloom: ancient non-commercial plant varieties as superior sources of health-beneficial compounds

Lands subtracted to intense urbanization are home of a rich biodiversity, which is well exemplified by the occurrence of many different plant species. Plants thriving in such areas have established a perfect synergy with the local environment,