Tag Archives: sequencing

The cerebellum differently contribute to cognitive processes from childhood to adulthood

Proposed mechanism of cerebellar sequencing for prediction. Atlas of Science

In recent years it has become clear that key cognitive abilities, once considered only based on processing of the cerebral circuits, are highly influenced by cerebellar structures. At present, there is agreement on cerebellar involvement in both

The journey of Campylobacter: a genomic analysis of a successful zoonotic pathogen

Campylobacter is the leading cause of human gastroenteritis worldwide. Domestic and wild birds are likely zoonotic vectors of Campylobacter. We demonstrated that American crows, abundant in urban, suburban, and agricultural settings, carry multiple Campylobacter genotypes that are

In the pursuit of personalized medicine; New technologies to study the gut microbiome

Humans have a symbiotic relationship with microbes that reside in and on our bodies.  The human digestive tract contains as many as 1014 of bacterial cells, making it one of the densest and most diverse microbial communities

Next generation sequencing, a new gold standard for clinical gene panel testing

The adaption of the Next Generation Sequencing ( NGS ) technology to clinical laboratories has revolutionized the molecular diagnostics by reducing the costs and increasing the throughput. Clinical use of NGS enables simultaneous testing of multiple genes

The exploration of gene expression in Atlantic bluefin tuna

Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunus thynnus), the largest of the tuna species, is migratory top predator inhabiting the North Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Extremely well adapted to life in open waters, they are able to traverse

What’s in your water? Using DNA to keep drinking waters clean

Turn on a tap, and many of us will be greeted with safe and clean drinking water. This is something that people living in developed nations often take for granted, as contaminated drinking water is a significant