Tag Archives: serotonin

Understanding the behavior of fly larvae from neural activities in their isolated central nervous system

Understanding the behavior of fly larvae. AoS

You may have heard about “The brain in a vat”, the philosophical scenario which talks about simulated reality and conceptions. It may sound bizarre and unrealistic. However, larval fruit fly neuroscientists literally perform the experiment to understand

Vitamins and minerals in control of serious diseases?

We all know that vitamins and minerals are important, but why? The amino acid L-tryptophan is “essential” for mammals, and it must be obtained in the form of food. L-tryptophan can be utilized for protein synthesis, and

Serotonergic drugs in the treatment of symptoms in Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease showing alterations in neurotransmitters, above all in brain regions responsibles for cognition and emotions. In this disease, an imbalance between neurotransmitters, acetylcholine, GABA, glutamate, noradrenaline and serotonin are included. In brain

Melatonin and serotonin in psychiatric and brain disorders

Melatonin is well known as a treatment for jet lag, being naturally released by the brain when we close our eyes to go to sleep. However, recent research shows that melatonin is released by many, if not

Compounds earlier known as neurotransmitters are met and function in every living organism

Historically, the neurotransmitters function were analyzed only in animals with nervous system, and their initial role was associated mainly with the transmission of nerve (electrical) impulses. In the last decade of the 20 century, new views on

Chemesthesis affects taste

The sensations of taste, which are divisible into several distinct qualities: sweet, sour, bitter, salty, umami, and possibly fatty, play an important role for accepting or rejecting food and serve to protect us from ingesting harmful substances,

Immediate antidepressant effects on functional brain connectivity

Neurotransmitters are the brain’s chemical messengers that allow for communication between neurons. They ‘jump’ from one neuron to the next causing excitation or inhibition of cell firing. Since healthy brain functioning relies on adequate neural communication, neurotransmitter