Tag Archives: serum

Preventing over-treatment in euthyroid patients with thyroid hormone abnormalities

AoS. Preventing over-treatment in euthyroid patients with thyroid hormone abnormalities.

Up to 12% of the U.S. population will be diagnosed with a thyroid condition. Because thyroid hormones affect every cell in the body, hypo- (low) and hyper-(high) thyroidism can be difficult to distinguish from other medical conditions.

Effect of synergism of small molecules against fibrillation process of human serum albumin

AoS. Effect of synergism of small molecules against fibrillation process of human serum albumin.

There are different ways by which small molecules interact with protein and its aggregates. One of it is synergistic interaction of drugs or small molecules against protein aggregates. Protein aggregation is a common cause of neurodegeneration. Most

Analysis of serum biomarkers and their correlation with pain and quality of life in the rare disease alkaptonuria

Analysis of serum biomarkers and their correlation with pain

Alkaptonuria (AKU) is an ultra-rare disease causing an early onset, chronically debilitating spondylo-arthropathy due to deposition of an ochronotic pigment in joints and spine, which causes severe pain and greatly reduces patients’ quality of life. Despite an

Serum potassium decline associated with increased mortality in acute heart failure

Acute heart failure (HF) is the most important reason for hospitalization in the United States and Europe. It is associated with high morbidity and mortality, most conspicuously in the first months after discharge. As HF progresses, and