Tag Archives: sex
Sex differences in heart failure outcomes in Ontario, Canada
Inflammatory differences between men and women uncovered by 27-hydroxycholesterol
Sleep quality in adult population
Sexuality and predisposition to altered states of consciousness
In 1974, Tellegen and Atkinson proposed that ‘absorption’ is a core personality trait that consists of the degree to which one becomes so attentionally absorbed in sensations and imagination that there is an alteration of the sense
Why is anxiety more common in women? Investigating sex differences in threat and safety learning
Anxiety-related disorders like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are up to twice as common in women as in men but the reasons behind this remain unclear. People with PTSD often experience negative emotions like fear when reminded of
Characteristics of adolescents requesting emergency contraception
Sex pheromones attract adults to sex, larvae to safe food
Altered states of consciousness during sex
The term ‘altered states of consciousness’ usually means states of ‘absorption’ or ‘absorbed states’. Some call them trance. They are characterized by loss of the usual sense of self, time, and space, as a result of intense
X chromosome inactivation and escape: skipping Lyon’s law causes sex differences and disease
Neuroprotection for stroke: Progesterone treatment reduces brain mitochondrial dysfunction
Human brains do not belong to two distinct types: ‘female brains’ and ‘male brains’
Distinguish males and females using the mandibular canine tooth
Rao and collaborators developed a methodology based on the mandibular canine to estimate the sex of an individual. Using this methodology, called mandibular canine index (MCI), the authors proposed a cut-value above which the subjects should be
How tree frogs keep their Y chromosomes healthy
What happens when (plant) sex fails?
Differences between male and female cyclists’ performances under the acute influence of alcohol
Proposed novel therapy for a sexually transmitted disease
Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) is one of the seven pathogens that cause sexually transmitted disease, also popularly known as venereal disease. The NG infections are contagious. Their prevalence is higher among women than in men, high among sexually
What sex will it be? And why?
For millennia, pregnant women (and their partners) have wondered what sex the baby will be. Many parents wish for sons, especially as first-borns. Methods to achieve this have included tying off the left testicle, drinking lion’s blood,