Tag Archives: signal transduction

Abiotic stress signaling in plants: functional genomic intervention

Basic plant science has never been more important than in the current scenario of climate change and increasing human population. To address the global challenges like increase in food production and raising stress tolerant crop varieties the

A messenger and its disciples: Spreading stress messages in plant through Ca2+-CBL-CIPK network

The early life forms appeared on earth as entities that were covered by cellular membranes. These entities had a major problem from one of the abundant elements present in the earth- Calcium (Ca2+). Higher level of Ca2+

Caught in a loop – A story of how plants drop excess baggage

Plants shed their organs such as leaves, flowers, or fruits in response to environmental stimuli or developmental timing. For example, trees drop their leaves in the fall when they sense winter is coming. Plants also drop leaves

How does aspirin inhibit melanin synthesis?

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are known to act by directly suppressing the activity of cyclooxygenase, the key enzyme catalyzing the biosynthesis of prostaglandin, which induces inflammation. Therefore, NSAIDs are usually used for treating pain, inflammation, and fever.

HCV controls the export machinery of infected cells to increase its own spread

When a virus infects a cell it changes a lot of the cells functions and behavior to its own benefit. The virus reproduces inside the cell and forces it to release many new virus particles which can

Keys to unlocking human dopamine D1 receptor signal transduction

Our body organs, such as the brain, are made of different cells that talk to each other by releasing natural chemicals outside the cells. The free chemicals then attach to specialized proteins named receptors, which are anchored

Gene expression changes underlying prostate cancer metastasis

Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers among men. The American Cancer Society estimates that there will be 220,800 new cases of prostate cancer in 2015 and 27,540 prostate cancer related deaths. The National Cancer