Tag Archives: silk

Edible coating for enhancing the shelf life of horticulture products

AoS. Edible coating for enhancing the shelf life of horticulture products

Preserving food, especially horticulture products, is one of the most difficult farm work. The global community has highlighted this problem and set a target of halving per-capita food waste by 2030. Post-harvest losses are one of the

Bioartificial liver constructs

The liver with high regenerative capability performs a complex array of synthetic, metabolic, immunologic and detoxification functions to regulate the physiological homeostasis of the human body. Viral infections, drug induced liver injury, hepatocellular carcinoma, autoimmune disorders, alcoholic

Silk patches to repair hearts

The heart is a very sensitive organ. Once it’s “broken”, it doesn’t quite function the same way again. Biologically speaking, a common way of getting your heart broken is when you suffer a heart attack. When the