Tag Archives: spectroscopy

Cs adsorption by Mn‒Fe-based Prussian blue analogs formed in agarose gel

AoS. Cs adsorption by Mn‒Fe-based Prussian blue analogs formed in agarose gel

The Fukushima nuclear accident triggered a massive release of radioactive cesium (Cs) isotopes into the environment and generated a large amount of contaminated water. Because Cs isotopes pose serious threats to the environment (particularly the aquatic environment),

LASER Wavelengths: Generation and Modification

AoS. Laser

“Laser” (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) technology has proved useful in many applications, from scanning product barcodes at the local supermarket to atomic imaging in sophisticated particle physics labs. The hallmark of these devices is

Can hidden Ectomyelois ceratonia infestation be detected non-destructively? NIR spectroscopy has a good answer for pomegranates

In recent decades, near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy has been accepted as a powerful non-destructive testing (NDT) technology for quality assessment of most materials in most industries such as chemistry, medicine, agrofood, etc. This optical technology is rapid, safe,

What can we achieve for average spin Hamiltonians in solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy?

nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. AoS

Multiple-pulse sequences (MPS) have been widely applied in nuclear magnetic spectroscopy to manipulate spin Hamiltonians (such as isolating or enhancing certain interactions while removing the effects of all other interactions), to measure relaxation times, and to enhance

Is the gravimetric water content true? NIR spectroscopy gives an answer for polymers and composites

The more water is inside the polymer, the more intense the peak.

A common way to measure water content is by weighting the polymer or a composite sample, using a gravimetric method. This method often overlooks that there is already some water inside the initial (mistakenly called “dry”) material.

Multiple sclerosis diagnosis from cerebrospinal fluids via infrared spectroscopy with chemometrics

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, demyelinating and degenerative disease of central nervous system (CNS), characterized by an autoimmune inflammation. Approximately 2.5 million people in the world are affected from multiple sclerosis which is one of the

FTIR spectroscopy and ımaging to understand donor age effect on bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells

FTIR Spectroscopy and Imaging to Understand Donor Age Effect on Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Stem cells, like Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs), have enormous potential to develop new therapies for tissue regeneration and repair with their ability to differentiate into many different types of cells. The aging process and the

High-accuracy and high-sensitivity optical tracing of dinitrogen pentoxide (N2O5) involved in a nocturnal tropospheric chemical reaction process in smog chamber using quantum cascade laser

Dinitrogen pentoxide (N2O5) is an important reactive intermediate in the atmospheric chemistry of nitrogen oxides and nitrate aerosol, especially during night-time. It is also an important reservoir of NO3 radical that can react with various volatile organic

Diamond growth using microwave-activated methane/hydrogen plasmas

Diamond is renowned for its many superlative material properties. It defines the top of the Mohs hardness scale, has the highest bulk thermal conductivity at room temperature, and has a very low coefficient of thermal expansion. The

Oriented attachment determines a shape of nanoparticles in gas phase

Until two decades ago, the process of crystallization from a supersaturated solution was assumed to proceed exclusively by molecule-by-molecule addition. However, some recent pioneering theoretical and experimental studies have revealed that crystals can grow by some other,

Forensic differentiation of human and animal hair via ATR FT-IR spectroscopy and chemometrics

The difference between a human hair and an animal hair may not be obvious to the naked eye, until it is scrutinized underneath the microscope or by other means. Although it may be rather easy for a

Growing-up in a stressful environment affects the levels of glutamate in the hippocampus in adult depresses subjects

Mood disorders are emotional disturbances consisting of prolonged periods of excessive sadness, excessive joyousness, or both. Exposure to harsh parenting practices or to maltreatment during childhood can increase individuals’ vulnerability to mood disorders and the severity of

An organic gas instead of inorganic gases for the enhancement of 129Xe magnetic resonance signals through optical pumping

Several new methods have been developed in these two decades in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, which make us accessible to weak signals hitherto unmanageable because of the low sensitivity. Among them, spin-exchange optical pumping (SEOP) can

Probing how alcohol affects the structure of water

Water, despite its ubiquity, is an extraordinarily complex substance. The structure of water on a molecular level is defined by the interactions, “hydrogen bonds”, that individual molecules have with each other. These are the reason that upon

Novel approach to probe interactions between biomolecules

Biological processes involve interactionsof several macromolecules and characterization of such interactions is important for elucidating these processes. The major problem with such characterization is the transient nature of the complexes formed by the interacting molecules. Single molecule

Probing the past with state of the art science

One of the breakthroughs in textile coloration achieved during the 19th century was the development of synthetic dyestuffs and in particular those with the colour purple. Prior to this time purple textiles were expensive and relegated to

Spectroscopic platform to cut time and resources needed to quantify cancer cell biomarker concentrations

Survivability of a living cell, tissue and ultimately a being is influenced by the state of proteolytic degradation of extracellular matrix (ECM) components; if the dynamics of the degradation is perturbed, regulation of many biological processes such

Quantitative enantioselective Raman spectroscopy

A new approach for monitoring the production of chiral substances, e.g. pharmaceutically active ingredients, is proposed. Many biochemical and pharmaceutically active molecules are chiral. This means that two enantiomers exist exhibiting the same chemical structure without being

Searching for magnetic sense inside living cells

Some molecules can absorb light and become excited. These excited molecules are often capable of undergoing chemical reactions that unexcited molecules cannot. Nature makes extensive use of these “photochemical reactions” and uses them to achieve some of

Understanding phosphorus-centered radicals for a sustainably phosphor chemistry

Organo-phosphorus compounds are widely used in different fields of application from the production of pharmaceuticals to other valuable chemicals. A major problem of the use of organo-phosphorus compounds is the production of these compounds starting from the