Tag Archives: stress

Why do some people self-harm under distress? Harvard study suggests impulse control is key

AoS. Why do some people self-harm under distress

Self-harm, or non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI), refers to people intentionally hurting themselves without intending suicide. Common examples include cutting, burning, or hitting oneself. A growing number of adolescents and young adults report NSSI – yet most have no

Poverty may affect the developing brain through chronic stress

Socioeconomic disadvantage, which is prevalent in the United States and worldwide, is consistently associated with lower academic achievement and higher risk for emotional and behavioral problems. Exposure to socioeconomic disadvantage during childhood can leave long-lasting imprints on

Supportive relationships in children and adolescents facing political violence and mass disasters

AoS. Supportive Relationships in Children and Adolescents Facing Political Violence and Mass Disasters

In the context of mass trauma events such as political violence and natural disasters, children and adolescents are inherently more vulnerable to maladjustment and psychopathology than adults. Despite this, many adolescents tend to survive, even thrive, suggesting

Chronic unpredictable environmental stress is harmful to humans

Stress refers to the mental and emotional change of state from normal homeostasis. In another words we can say that stress happens when we are worried for something and feeling uncomfortable. Chronic unpredictable environmental stress (CUES) refers

Targeted GRP78 pathway for improved vision in diabetic retinopathy

AoS. Targeted GRP78 pathway for improved vision in diabetic retinopathy.

Diabetic retinopathy, is a complication of diabetes which causes vision loss and eventual blindness in adults. People with diabetes have more sugar in their blood than normal, which causes their bodies not to function correctly. Often proteins

Exploring early mechanotransduction responses

Exploring early mechanotransduction responses. AoS

Mechanical stress plays a key role in cellular behaviour and fate, affecting the correct development and functionality of tissues and organs. Due to the complexity of the in vivo cellular environment, most mechanotransduction research relies on the

Your first year of college: How to survive?

Your first year of college: How to survive

Fortunately, dreams tend to come true. Yesterday, the global goal of your whole life was to go to college, and today, you are already a student. And this is not only fun, but it is also a

Molecular defense adopted by sea urchin embryos to cope with Nickel

Molecular defense adopted by sea urchin embryos to cope with Nickel

Nickel (Ni) is a natural constituent of the Earth’s crust and, together with its compounds, it is used in many industrial and commercial applications. At very low doses, Ni carries out many physiological roles in biochemical processes

Cellular stress and AMPK activators including metformin and the anesthetic drug propofol promote restoration of human consciousness

Cellular stress and AMPK activators including Metformin

The neural mechanisms that give rise to human consciousness have been described as one of the greatest and most profound mysteries in all of modern medicine. The use of general anesthetics to induce loss of consciousness (LOC)

Use of plant growth–promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) in stressed agriculture management

Some of action mechanisms of PGPR in alleviating abiotic stresses in plants

Enhanced incidence of abiotic stresses influencing adversely plant growth and productivity in major crops, and thus global food security, is being witnessed all over the world. These abiotic stress factors include drought (water deficit) and flooding, salinity,

How does chromium cause lung cancer? Resistance to cellular stress

How does chromium cause lung cancer

Lung cancer is the deadliest form of cancer in both men and women. One cause of lung cancer is occupational exposure to heavy metals. Extremely useful in several industries, heavy metals have become widespread environmental pollutants over

Stress induced Eh jumps are caused by sulfide efflux from Escherichia coli cells

It was previously established that in aerobic cultures of a number of bacteria subjected to stress, there is a sharp change in the redox potential (Eh) of the medium to reductive (negative) values. Eh jumps were detected

Cellular stress and AMPK links metformin and jumping genes with the creation of human life

The evolution of the human genome has been facilitated to a great extent by the activity of transposable elements (TEs), also known as “jumping genes”. As the name implies, TEs are DNA sequences capable of moving or

Midkine controls natural bypass growth by regulating the bioavailability of VEGF

Cardiovascular occlusive diseases such as stroke, myocardial infarction or perivascular artery diseases (PAD) are a major personal and social burden. According to the World Health Organization, vascular occlusive diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide.  Current

The role of oxidative stress in Type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a major health concern that affects people no matter their gender, race, or socio-economic background is. In type 2 diabetes, a person’s body stops responding efficiently to insulin after a meal. This desensitization

Absence of bilirubin increases oxidative stress in vivo

Oxidative stress, defined as an imbalance between oxidants and antioxidants in favor of the former, is a hallmark of many diseases, including cardiovascular disease (CVD) and related metabolic syndrome. Modifying uncontrolled oxidative stress may attenuate the development

A single yoga video helps you de-stress and be confident

The practice of yoga has become very popular, being thought to improve people’s mental and physical health. There is a lot of scientific evidence pointing to the benefits of such mind-body practice – especially in the treatment

Delay of GABA switch due to early – life stress leads to developmental disorder

Early-life stress, such as child neglect and abuse, is referred as one of the most prominent risk factor causing lasting social problems, which influence later development of psychopathologies. One specific sensitive period in neural development occurs during

Heavy metal resistant–plant growth promoting bacteria as an alternative strategy for decreasing accumulation of metals in plant tissues

In the present era, pollution of water, soil and air with heavy metals is increasing rapidly. Industrialization and technological advancement have caused serious damage to the ecosystem by releasing large quantities of heavy metals (i.e., cadmium, chromium,

Can greater perceptions of inequality negatively impact physical health?

Stress has been linked to a wide range of deleterious outcomes extending from obesity to cardiovascular problems to increases in depression and anxiety, and even an increased risk of mortality. Even more troubling is that stress is