Tag Archives: stress

Oxidative stress sensitivity of cancer cells could be altered by plasma membrane status

Oxidative stress is defined as “A status that the balance between the oxidation reaction and the antioxidant reaction is lost in our body, and that the oxidation state is dominant.” Oxidative stress is generally adverse for our

HspB1, a polypeptide sensor whose structure reacts to changes in the physiology and environment of the cell

The small heat shock protein HspB1 acts as an ATP-independent chaperone helping cells to cope with stress-induced aberrantly folded polypeptides. Other interesting properties of HspB1 are its constitutive expression in many unstressed human cells and its up

Watching caveolae under stress

The plasma membrane of many cells contain many protein-dense invaginations called caveolae or ‘little caves’. Caveolae are composed of ~140 molecules of caveolin proteins along with other components. Caveolae are thought to act like springs and flatten

Emerging roles of cyclic nucleotide gated channels in plants

Plants are vulnerable to various biotic and abiotic stresses imposed in their respective growth environment. These stresses negatively affect the normal growth, development and productivity. Unlike animals, which can move to conditions conducive for growth and development;

A messenger and its disciples: Spreading stress messages in plant through Ca2+-CBL-CIPK network

The early life forms appeared on earth as entities that were covered by cellular membranes. These entities had a major problem from one of the abundant elements present in the earth- Calcium (Ca2+). Higher level of Ca2+

Why don’t some employees mind faking their emotions?

Employees often have to show emotions they really do not feel in order to offer quality service to clients. For example, a flight attendant has to appear calm and transmit serenity to passengers, even when he/she is

Early plant development under stress relies on RNA splicing

Plants are unable to move away from harmful environmental conditions that affect their well-being and that ultimately compromise their growth and thereby crop production. To cope with a constantly changing environment, they have evolved unique and elaborate

The distressful life of FtsZ-deprived bacteria

Failure to assemble a division septum occurs in Escherichia coli cells when their supply of FtsZ is blocked. FtsZ, ancestor of eukaryotic Tubulin, is the main component of the divisome, the molecular machinery that drives septation in

Growing-up in a stressful environment affects the levels of glutamate in the hippocampus in adult depresses subjects

Mood disorders are emotional disturbances consisting of prolonged periods of excessive sadness, excessive joyousness, or both. Exposure to harsh parenting practices or to maltreatment during childhood can increase individuals’ vulnerability to mood disorders and the severity of

Decreased vagally-mediated heart rate variability in a conditional NPY Y1 receptor knockout mouse

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a protein involved in the complex regulation of a variety of physiological functions that range from feeding to emotions. In the central nervous system NPY is able to influence autonomic nervous system regulation

Does subjecting health students to stressful scenarios better prepare them for real world practice?

Simulation is an education and training technique that allows students to practice in safe environments that replicate substantial aspects of the real world in a fully interactive fashion.  Simulation is often used to train undergraduates as it

Stress and pain – subgroups, mechanisms and treatment outcomes

Chronic pain affects 100 million US adults and with costs exceeding $500 billion per year. Fibromyalgia (FM) is a prevalent chronic pain disorder characterized by widespread pain, fatigue, anxiety and depression, and problems with memory and concentration.

Reducing cellular stress may prevent diabetes complications

Poorly controlled diabetes is often associated with various complications including blindness, kidney failure and pain secondary to damaged nerves. However, the most common complications are those related to large blood vessel disease such as heart attacks and

Stress must not be confused with pain

Our article “Stress is not pain” was a critique on a study by Elwood & Adams who exposed crabs to electric shocks and concluded that their study ‘. . .fulfils the criteria expected of a pain experience’. 

Is personality related to biological stress reactivity?

In his influential biopsychological theory of personality, Hans J. Eysenck proposed in 1967 that there was a biological basis to personality. He described two main personality traits which could be measured on a continuum. Individuals scoring high

How does exercise reduce the intake and preference for high fat, high sugar foods?

People gain weight because they eat too much food, particularly food with a lot of fats and sugars, and do not use the calories gained from food. In this case the energy intake is higher than energy

Acyl-CoA-binding proteins help plants “degrease” adversities

Serving as the building blocks for triacylglycerides and membrane phospholipids, fatty acids are essential in all forms of life. Given their chemical inertness, fatty acids need activation into a more water-soluble form (as acyl-CoA esters), prior to

Stress hormone level shoots up during abiotic stress to sustains the stress in S. quadricauda

Energy is an inevitable part and makes life possible.  Globally, over 90 percent of transportation energy requirement is met by fossil fuels. International Energy Agency (IEA) predicts that, if we continue to use the fossil fuel at

Phospholipase C break membrane lipids during plant adaptation under stress

Plants constantly encounter various biotic and abiotic stresses in the environment. These stresses present adverse growth conditions, which affect the plant development, longevity and productivity. The crop production is decreasing rapidly due to the negative impact of

Application of the fungicide kresoxim-methyl prior to drought and salinity stress imposition enhances the ability of plants to survive

Plants are exposed to multiple environmental stresses ( e. g. drought, salinity ), resulting in major yield losses in modern agriculture. Drought and salinity are the two major abiotic threats for plant production and potentially food security.