Tag Archives: stroke

How changes in our genes impact outcome after stroke

How changes in our genes impact outcome after stroke. Atlas of Science

An ischemic stroke is the sudden death of brain cells due to lack of oxygen and glucose, which is caused by blockage of blood flow to the brain. Stroke is a leading cause of death around the

A cool new way to cool (or warm)!

The cooling or warming of patients being treated for certain medical conditions can greatly increase their chance of survival. For example, survival after cardiac arrest can be almost doubled if the patient is gently cooled for about

Midkine controls natural bypass growth by regulating the bioavailability of VEGF

Cardiovascular occlusive diseases such as stroke, myocardial infarction or perivascular artery diseases (PAD) are a major personal and social burden. According to the World Health Organization, vascular occlusive diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide.  Current

Acute ischemic stroke: Can clinical risk factors exclude more women than men from thrombolysis therapy

Acute ischemic stroke is the physiologic manifestation of lack of perfusion to the brain. This lack of blood flow may be secondary to thrombosis of a large vessel, an embolus from elsewhere that lodges into a smaller

Statin therapy makes things worse for alcohol drinkers

High cholesterol levels in humans represent a risk factor for life-threatening cardio/cerebrovascular conditions, including heart attack and stroke. It is estimated that nearly 94.6 million, or 40 % of American adults, have total blood cholesterol levels above

A turn of the head can cause a stroke

The major arteries of the neck cumulatively constitute the cervical arteries. They are highly important because they are the blood supply for the brain. There are four major cervical arteries: the right and left carotid arteries and

Inactive bears don’t get blood clots like humans!

Blood clots are a common problem for humans who are sedentary. They frequently form in the veins of the legs and can then travel to the lung or brain causing serious complications, including death. This is frequently

Acute ischemic stroke: An urgent call for help and funding!

In humans, acute ischemic stroke is the primarily result of a blood-clot that moves toward the brain and blocks one or more important blood vessels that supply blood, oxygen, and nutrients to brain tissue (Fig. 1), causing

More intensive anticoagulation is associated with a lower stroke risk after elective cardioversion in atrial fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia of the heart and elective cardioversion (ECV) is a common procedure in converting AF to normal sinus rhythm. AF carries an increased risk for stroke and a substantial portion

Dissolving blood clot clots effectively and safely (Fibrinolysis)

Fibrinolysis is the body’s defense against the build-up of fibrin (clots) needed to arrest bleeding and to repair the daily wear and tear injuries to the blood vessel inner surface. This same enzyme system is used in the

Different perfusion patterns in a patient with acute ischemic stroke

The main goal of the current acute therapies for acute ischemic stroke is to restore perfusion in brain areas supplied by an occluded artery. The use of endovenous thrombolytic drugs and more recently of mechanical thrombectomy by

Top ten research priorities relating to stroke nursing

It is important that research addresses what is of greatest priority to people affected by a health condition. A UK based organisation called the James Lind Alliance (JLA) brings patients, their family and caregivers, and health professionals

Brain bypass: current trends in the treatment of patients with complex cerebrovascular disease

Cerebral Revascularization or bypass is the neurosurgical equivalent of coronary artery bypass. In these procedures a surgeon uses existing vessels in the head and brain or vessels harvested from another part of the body to either replace

The power of laser light to repair brain from stroke injury

Transcranial near-infrared laser therapy (TLT) also known as NILT is a powerful non-invasive method to promote neuroprotection and repair of the damaged brain. How does it work? For many years, researchers have hypothesized that laser light at

High bedtime home blood pressure strongly predicts post stroke cognitive impairment

Hypertension is the strongest risk factor for stroke and the most modifiable risk factors for the secondary prevention of stroke and for post stroke cognitive impairment (PSCI). Home blood pressure (HBP) monitoring has been identified to better

Stroke mimics: Why we need to consider changing the protocol for stroke treatment

Stroke-like symptoms are not always what they seem. Certain disorders can mimic stroke symptoms, leading to the misdiagnosis of ischemic stroke in up to 19% of patients. Mistaking these stroke mimics with an actual stroke can have disastrous

ARTS (Aspiration-Retriever Technique for Stroke): A novel method for stroke treatment

Ischemic stroke is not only one of the worldwide leading causes of disability and mortality but is also a significant burden on health systems. Actually the standard treatment for the acute event is based on a clot

Testing a new way to measure the impact of stroke: PRECiS

Cognition helps us think and understand the world. It involves functions like memory, attention, problem-solving, planning, organising and communicating. After a stroke, many people have problems with cognition. These can affect confidence, mood and the ability to

A rare and insidious brain vessel disorder in children with HIV infection

Over the last decade children who acquire HIV infection from their mothers are surviving longer due to improved access to health care, nutritional support and antiretroviral therapies (ART). As they live longer, complications which were previously not recognised in

Can an eye exam predict the risk of stroke?

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) accounts for nearly 200,000 deaths in the UK per year, with coronary heart disease, stroke and heart failure accounting for most of these deaths. General practitioners need an accurate and reliable tool to help