Tag Archives: student

Addressing the Ethnic Disparity in SAT scores

AoS. Addressing the Ethnic Disparity in SAT scores

For high-school students, the SAT is one of the most, if not the most, important assessments of academic achievement. Nevertheless, the SAT is shrouded in controversy, including a persistent and substantial ethnic disparity in SAT scores for

Tips for Increasing STEM Student Enrollment on Your Campus

AoS. Tips for Increasing STEM Student Enrollment on Your Campus.

Are you hoping to attract more STEM students to your college campus? There are a number of strategies that can make your campus more attractive for quality STEM students, including offering attractive benefits, recruiting top faculty and

How to Land a Job in Big Tech

AoS. How to Land a Job in Big Tech.

Tech industry jobs often provide the types of salary and benefits that allow you to build a comfortable life. Some companies go above and beyond. Compensation, benefits, stock buying programs, and the prestige of having their name

Abbreviations students use in their everyday language

Abbreviations students use in their everyday language. AoS

Being a student is a time full of new revelations and experiences where individuals get to know the world and themselves better. Communication for students is a way to explore and understand each other, so every student

Your first year of college: How to survive?

Your first year of college: How to survive

Fortunately, dreams tend to come true. Yesterday, the global goal of your whole life was to go to college, and today, you are already a student. And this is not only fun, but it is also a

How does homework affect students?

How does homework affect students?

Posted by Kenny Gill Homework is essential in the learning process of all students. It benefits them in managing time, being organized, and thinking beyond the classroom work. When students develop good habits towards homework, they enjoy

College drinking culture in Spain, Argentina, and USA: An examination of impulsivity, college alcohol beliefs, and alcohol outcomes

College drinking culture in Spain, Argentina, and USA

Across many countries and cultures, college students drink heavily. Students who drink heavily are at risk for a wide range of problems ranging from hangover to unsafe and unplanned sex to poor academic performance to developing an

Excess weight reduction in primary school students

Childhood obesity is a global public health problem related to many preventable diseases, alarmingly on the increase. Iran is no exception. In an effort to address this problem, we designed and tested an intervention to combat excess