Tag Archives: thoracic surgery

Sliding esophagoplasty. Can esophagectomy be avoided in esophageal obstruction due to huge thoracic aortic aneurysm?

Thoracic aortic aneurysm is a serious vascular disease which usually requires surgical aortic graft replacement. In recent years, endovascular stent placement proved a mini-invasive alternative to be used safely in properly selected instances particularly in subjects considered

Uncomplicated type B acute aortic dissection: endovascular repair or best medical treatment?

Patients with uncomplicated type B acute aortic dissection (type B-AAD) are commonly treated with conservative therapy (best medical treatment [BMT]) although the long-term outcome of medical therapy alone is suboptimal, with a reported 30% to 50% mortality

Thymus and surgeon: an attractive and challenging gland

The thymus is a small gland sited in the anterior-superior  mediastinum, approximately in the midline. It has  an h-shape  presenting two upper and two lower horns. It lies on the anterior surface of the pericardium starting from

Automated chest X-ray screening: can edge map measure the evidence of pulmonary abnormalities?

Among many pulmonary diseases, according to the 2014 WHO report, Tuberculosis (TB) is considered as one of the deadliest communicable diseases. While TB cure rates over 90% have been documented in resource-rich countries, its detection and treatment

Prognostic value of trans-thoracic echocardiography in patients with acute stroke and atrial fibrillation

Currently, ischemic stroke (which occurs when a blood vessel carrying blood to the brain is blocked) in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF), an abnormal heart rhythm characterized by rapid and irregular beating, can be successfully prevented with

The benefits of epidural analgesia in heart surgery

Epidural analgesia is a common procedure performed by anesthesiologists to relieve pain during childbirth or in surgery. It is performed by inserting a small catheter in a specific area of the spine known as the epidural space,