Tag Archives: toxicology

The noxious effects of benthic diatoms on marine invertebrates

AoS. The noxious effects of benthic diatoms on marine invertebrates.

Diatoms dominate various marine and freshwater environments, at any latitude, and are responsible for up to 25% of primary production. They may be either free-living in the water column or produce benthic biofilms. Studies on the chemical

Control of doping in racing pigeons

Pigeon racing is considered a popular sport in several countries such as Belgium, England, Netherlands, Portugal, Japan, Taiwan and South Africa. In all these countries, pigeon racing is a federated sport and racings take place on a

Inhaled metal oxide nanoparticles’ retention in the pulmonary tissue can be hindered by their relatively high solubilization counterbalancing their unfavorable action on the free pulmonary cells response

We hypothesized that pulmonary clearance vs. retention of metal oxide nanoparticles (NPs) is controlled not only by activity of phagocytes and other physiological mechanisms but also by the NP solubilization which, in some cases, may even prevail

Measurement of uncertainty of the calibration for the Intoxilyzer® 8000 breath alcohol analyzer

Breath alcohol analysis is most prevalent in determining a subject’s blood alcohol level for forensic use. This analysis is often used by law enforcement to determine if a driver is unfit to operate their vehicle on a

On the track of DNA damage in insects

DNA is a molecule containing all information necessary for proper function, development, growth, and reproduction of an organism. DNA usually consists of two strands, which are made of nucleotides. Each of them contains one nitrogen nucleobase –

Human respiratory tissue test reveals e-cigarette vapour produced similar result as air

Scientists at British American Tobacco and MatTek Corporation used a unique combination of tests to investigate the potential adverse effects of e-cigarette vapour on airway tissue compared with cigarette smoke. ‘By employing a combination of a smoking

Placental transfer of the HIV drug dolutegravir in a human ex vivo perfusion model

The fetus of an HIV-positive woman has a 25% chance of becoming infected during pregnancy. HIV medicines have shown to be highly effective in preventing fetal infection with HIV. A part of the efficacy but also the

Compounds earlier known as neurotransmitters are met and function in every living organism

Historically, the neurotransmitters function were analyzed only in animals with nervous system, and their initial role was associated mainly with the transmission of nerve (electrical) impulses. In the last decade of the 20 century, new views on