Tag Archives: USA

College drinking culture in Spain, Argentina, and USA: An examination of impulsivity, college alcohol beliefs, and alcohol outcomes

College drinking culture in Spain, Argentina, and USA

Across many countries and cultures, college students drink heavily. Students who drink heavily are at risk for a wide range of problems ranging from hangover to unsafe and unplanned sex to poor academic performance to developing an

31st American Psychiatry, Psychology and Nursing Congress. Chicago, USA. March 18-19, 2019

We are delightful to welcome you to the 31st American Psychiatry, Psychology and Nursing Congress which is scheduled in the month of March 18-19, 2019 at Chicago, USA organized by Conference Series LLC Ltd in collaboration with

International Conference on Neonatology and Pediatrics. Las Vegas, USA. November 19-20, 2018

Meetings International proudly announces its premier “International Conference on Neonatology and Pediatrics” that has been scheduled on November 19th and 20th, 2018 at Las Vegas, USA. Neonatology 2018 will bring together renowned scientists, researchers, doctors, talented students under one roof to

3rd International Conference on Embryology and Human Genetics. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. October 17th – 18th, 2018

It’s a great pleasure and an honor inviting you for the “3rd International Conference on Embryology and Human Genetics” to be held on October 17th – 18th, 2018 at Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Embryology 2018 aims to

2nd Annual Summit on Cell Therapy and Stem Cell Research. Atlanta, Georgia, USA. November 9-10, 2018

Conferenceseries welcomes you to attend the 2nd Annual Summit on Cell Therapy and Stem Cell Research during November 9 – 10, 2018 at Atlanta, Georgia, USA. We cordially invite all the participants from all over the world who are interested in sharing

2nd Annual Summit on Cell Signaling and Cancer Therapy. Philadelphia, USA. September 19-20, 2018

2nd Annual Summit on Cell Signaling and Cancer Therapy is bustling to be held at Philadelphia, USA during September 19-20, 2018 hosted by Conferences Series. Through the theme “The Scientific Innovations in the field of Cancer Therapy

Tissue Science and Regenerative Medicine. Las Vegas, USA. April 23-24, 2018

Allied Academies Publication is an blend of several esteemed academic and scientific associations known for endorsing scientific temperament. The non-profit firm plans for organizing an average of 1000 international conferences in the upcoming years with its renowned journals and Editorial Board

World congress on Human Placenta, Fetal Nutrition and Metabolism. Columbus, Ohio, USA. Oct 31- Nov 02, 2018

The initiative seeks to spur new innovation in Placental Research Greetings from Placenta 2018..!! On behalf of organizing committee, it’s a great pleasure and an honor inviting you for the “World congress on Human Placenta, Fetal Nutrition

Neglected Tropical Diseases Conference: Current and Future Challenges. Chicago, USA. November 2-3, 2017

All the interested participants are being cordially invited for the upcoming Neglected Tropical Diseases Conference: Current and Future Challenges which is going to be held at Chicago, Illinois, USA from the tenure November 2-3, 2017 focusing mainly

International Conference & Exhibition on Biologics and Biosimilars. Orlando, USA. March 26-27, 2018

Allied Academies Publication is an amalgamation of a few regarded scholastic and logical affiliations known for advancing logical disposition and is pleased to declare International Conference and Exhibition on Biologics and Biosimilars, planned amid March 26-27, 2018

International Conference on Oncology and Cancer Therapeutics. Chicago, Illinois, USA. October 30- November 01, 2017

Allied Academies invites all the participants from all over the world to attend “International Conference on Oncology and Cancer Therapeutics” held in Chicago, Illinois, USA at October 30- November 1, 2017 which includes prompt Keynote Presentations, Special

How rising minority income does (or does not) lead to residential integration in the US

This paper examines how access to integrated neighborhoods changed for Asians, Hispanics, and African Americans from 1970 to 2010. Data come from the Decennial U.S. Census, with neighborhoods defined using census tracts, which are small geographic units

World Congress on Embryology and In vitro Fertilization. Chicago, USA. November 2-3, 2017

World Congress on Embryology and In vitro Fertilization focuses on human embryology and aims to provide an up-to-date source of information on a variety of selected topics. The conference will be organized on the theme of Exploring

10th World Congress on Biomarkers & Clinical Research. Baltimore, USA. October 18-20, 2017

Conference Series Ltd Conferences invites all the participants across the globe to attend ‘10th World Congress on Biomarkers and Clinical Research’ during October 18 – 20, 2017 in Baltimore, USA which includes prompt Keynote presentations, Oral talks,

Annual Congress on Cell Science, Stem Cell Research & Regenerative Medicine. Atlanta, USA. November 29-30, 2017

Allied Academies cordially invites all the participants across the globe to attend “Annual Congress on Cell Science, Stem Cell Research & Regenerative Medicine 2017” during November 29-30, 2017 Atlanta, USA which includes prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks,

18th Biotechnology Congress. New York, USA. October 19-20, 2017

Conferenceseries invites the contributors across the globe to participate in the premier “18th Biotechnology Congress” (BioAmerica-2017), to discuss the on theme: “Novel Insights and Innovations in Biotechnology for Leading a Better Life”. It covers advancing knowledge and

How Americans remember and forget the U.S presidents

Groups of people remember and forget events that occurred in the past, just as individual people remember and forget events occurring in their lifetimes. The study of the memories of a group is called collective memory, and

10th International Conference & Exhibition on Biologics & Biosimilars. San Francisco, California, USA. October 16-17, 2017

BioSimilars 2017, invite you to attend the 10th International Conference and Exhibition on Biologics and Biosimilars in San Francisco, USA. The 10th International Conference and Exhibition on Biologics and Biosimilars will provide an opportunity to hear and

Comparing type 2 diabetes in Asian Indians in India and in the United States

While members of all ethnic groups are at risk for type 2 diabetes, the risk in people of Asian Indian decent seems to be especially high.  This is of critical importance because the Asian Indian population is

Observing the SAfETy of our schools

Last year, the Report Card for America’s Infrastructure gave schools a D. The reasons for this near failing grade centered on the lack of investment in either maintaining older buildings or building new schools to accommodate increasing