Tag Archives: weight loss

The stress of dieting: what a rat model may tell us about weight loss in women

In the United States, obesity and concomitant diseases such as hypertension and diabetes have soared in older adults—and obesity is especially pronounced in women after menopause. Numerous strategies are used to combat excess weight, with the most

Assessing the evidence on weight loss strategies

Weight loss and weight management is of upmost importance in our current climate of increasing rates of overweight and obesity and of associated diseases like type 2 diabetes. Here the evidence on weight loss strategies, in people

A natural product derived from fatty acids found in nuts and seeds reduce obesity

Obesity is a major worldwide epidemic. In the US, one third of the population is overweight, another third is obese. There are many complications of obesity, including metabolic syndrome, diabetes, heart disease, fatty liver, high blood pressure,

The most popular smartphone diet apps not required to be the most usable and effective apps

According to WHO global estimates, in 2014, about 13% of the world’s adult population (11% of men and 15% of women) was obese, while 39% of adults aged 18 years and older (38% of men and 40%

How does exercise reduce the intake and preference for high fat, high sugar foods?

People gain weight because they eat too much food, particularly food with a lot of fats and sugars, and do not use the calories gained from food. In this case the energy intake is higher than energy

Bloody stool due to ulcerative colitis during low-carbohydrate weight-loss diet

The prevalence of overweight and obesity is a global concern. Therefore, various weight-loss diets have been developed. A low-carbohydrate weight-loss diet, also known as the Atkins diet, is one such diet. In the United States, the proportion

Looking to lose weight in 2016? Step on the weighing scales

Using the latest connected-health technology, research from The University of Manchester indicates that the more often people engage with digital weighing scales, the more weight they lose. The more often people engage with digital weighing scales, the

Who’s calling for weight loss? Messages from the current literature

One-third of adolescents in the U.S. are overweight or obese. This is a significant public health concern because obese children are more likely to develop conditions once seen only in adults, including high blood pressure, type 2