Tag Archives: X-ray

Primary care doctor follow up of buckle fractures of the forearm

A buckle fracture of the distal radius (wrist bone) is a very minor fracture and the most common fracture in childhood. A “buckle” fracture occurs when there is a wrinkling of the outer edge of the bone

My research history – from molecular structure to surface science

Investigation of the molecular structure of SiCl4 using gas electron diffraction (GED) was the topic of my research I picked up when I started my graduate study at Department of Chemistry, the University of Tokyo.  However, initial

Wait a minute, how come heavier reacts faster?! Quantum effects in biochemistry and medicine

Physics is often thought to be quite irrelevant to Biochemistry and Medicine.  But, the very first Physics Nobel Prize in 1901, for the discovery of X-rays, is highly related to Medicine nowadays.  This clearly shows that a

Imaging tumor development using next generation raster scan optoacoustic mesoscopy

Cancer is one of the major diseases in the 21st century. Hundreds of billions of dollars have been spent on cancer research in the last half century, but still, our understanding of the disease mechanisms is limited.

Providing isotopes that can pinpoint disease in the body

President Eisenhower’s “atoms for Peace” initiative started the movement to explore peaceful uses of radioactive atoms, and today one use of radioactivity is to diagnose and treat diseases. Radioactive atoms are unstable atoms that decay by characteristic

Combining a range of different imaging techniques to better understand the roles metals play in biology

Microscopes in various forms have helped identify disease-causing bacteria, miniaturize microprocessors and engineer superior metal alloys. However, in biology some things remain very difficult to see even at the highest levels of magnification. Metal ions (e.g. calcium,

Signaling in the brain studied – a role for receptor clustering?

Olfactomedin-1 is a signaling protein in the brain that plays various roles during early brain development. Brain cells (neurons) secrete the protein to the extracellular matrix, where it is known to be involved in several signaling pathways.

Bones of contention: Bone mineral recovery in celiac disease

Low bone density is common in newly diagnosed patients with celiac disease (CD). Untreated CD leads to bone fractures and osteoporosis in young and older patients. The gluten-free diet (GFD) is the primary treatment for CD. Bone

To beam or not to beam: Safely scanning mouse lungs for lung disease and therapy research

Lung diseases are among the most important causes of sickness and death in the world. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung fibrosis and emphysema are examples of such devastating and life-threatening conditions.  Doctors can help by relieving symptoms,

The thinner, the glassier

Polymers are a key component of our technologies. The diversity of uses and forms of these inexpensive materials is impressive: polymers are present in almost all the aspect of everyday life. Polymers are also intensively studied at