Tissue Science and Regenerative Medicine. Las Vegas, USA. April 23-24, 2018

Allied Academies Publication is an blend of several esteemed academic and scientific associations known for endorsing scientific temperament. The non-profit firm plans for organizing an average of 1000 international conferences in the upcoming years with its renowned journals and Editorial Board Members. The number of reader views of the website has clocked 7.5 million and still counting. Lately around more than 1000 scientific associations of various fields from all over the world have shown interest in association with Allied Academies to promote their research work.  Tissue Science 2018 provides an excellent opportunity to share views, exchange knowledge and establish research collaborations & networking.

Allied Academies extends warm invitation to all the participants across the globe to attend Annual Congress on Tissue Science & Regenerative Medicine during April 23-24, 2018 in Las Vegas, USA which includes prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations and Exhibitions.

Tissue Science 2018 is an unprecedented event designed for International medical health professionals and tissue scientists to facilitate the propagation and application of research findings related to the science of regeneration and all the associated research areas. The conference invites participants from universities, clinical research institutions and pharmaceutical companies to share their research experiences on all aspects of this rapidly expanding field and thereby, providing a showcase of the latest techniques.

Reasons to Attend
Edifying public with recent advances in tissue Science and all the associated research areas from around the world, this is your single best opportunity to reach the largest congregation of participants. World-renowned speakers, the most recent techniques and the newest updates in Tissue science and all the associated research areas are pledges of this conference. Conferences, National symposium and Workshops provide a steadfast forum for the advancement, execution and exchange of information about the research done in the labs.

Who Can Attend?
Tissue scientists, doctors, prosthetic surgeons, Academicians, Academic scientists, Industry professionals, Diagnostic laboratory professionals, Postgraduate students, Postdoctoral fellows, Trainees and Stem cell researchers.

Importance and Scope
With increase in the demand of organs and lack of supply of the same, scientists have been propelled to research more upon the science of regeneration so that this bridge between demand and supply is gapped. Tissue regeneration is a well-known phenomenon. This natural event has been utilized for regenerating lost parts of human being. Many advances have been taking place. With advent of regenerative medicine, the scenario has changed a lot. More over nanotechnology has added new dimension to the field of tissue engineering. Bio-printing of organs are also now possible with definite accuracy. These novel techniques can help mass to overcome the problems of lost organs. Many diseases can be cured. Tissue Science 2018 aims to spread the inventions taking place inside the lab among more people. This will enable scientists to find answers they have been searching for. The business entrepreneurs can bring it to the market and the students can get inspired to learn more and work towards benefit of mankind. Today the market analysis of this field indicates that Government, private institutes and many others are investing more in this field as this has assuring future. The industrial output from the scientific developments in this filed are promising.

For more details please visit: tissuescience.alliedacademies.com/

Contact person:
Melissa Mayer
Program Manager |Tissue science 2018
Phone no: +1-201-877-9344


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