Tag Archives: Ghana

A causality analysis between carbon dioxide emissions, GDP, energy use and population growth

Access to energy is one of the many ways of achieving higher levels of economic productivity in every technological and advancing country. Energy demand and economic development is increasing due to the requirement to meet basic human

Is there a relationship between carbon dioxide emission and agriculture?

According to the Earth System Research Laboratory 2015, the growth rate of carbon dioxide has increased over the past 36 years (1979-2014), averaging about 1.4 ppm per year before 1995 and 2.0 ppm per year thereafter. The

Time-saving and life-saving impact of a dedicated childbirth operating room in hospitals in Ghana

Despite global efforts to improve medical care in Sub-Saharan Africa, childbirth remains one of the most dangerous experiences that women and their babies can face. Delays in receiving appropriate emergency care during the crucial moments of childbirth