Tag Archives: heart rate

Talking about childhood music: A twin study

Talking about childhood music

To what extent do childhood experiences of music practice influence thinking about music later in life? We could get an idea about this if we talk about childhood music memories while physiological recordings are made concomitantly. If we observe that there are clear

Low-cost enrichment of datasets for genetic analysis: imputation and electronic health record linkage

The human genome consists of 3 billion base-pairs built from the nucleotides adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C) or guanine (G). DNA sequencing is the process of reading and recording the nucleotide at each base in the

Evaluation of heart rate measurements in clinical studies – Which way to do it right?

100.000 times a day – this is the daily number of heart beats in human beings. This huge workload normally will pass by unobserved in a healthy being, but in a patient with heart disease any alteration

Race horses submitted to reduced training may show similar lactate threshold

For Standardbred race horses, training starts already as 1-year-olds with the goal for horses to race at the age of two or three. However, injuries and health problems are common among horses in training and historically less