Tag Archives: iron oxide

Are iron oxide nanoparticles neurotoxic?

Are iron oxide nanoparticles neurotoxic? AoS

Among the different types of nanomaterials, iron oxide nanoparticles (ION) awaken a particular interest due to their unique properties, including superparamagnetism and high biocompatibility. These features make them very suitable for a broad variety of uses, mostly

Inhaled metal oxide nanoparticles’ retention in the pulmonary tissue can be hindered by their relatively high solubilization counterbalancing their unfavorable action on the free pulmonary cells response

We hypothesized that pulmonary clearance vs. retention of metal oxide nanoparticles (NPs) is controlled not only by activity of phagocytes and other physiological mechanisms but also by the NP solubilization which, in some cases, may even prevail

Safety of iron oxide nanoparticles – a regulatory perspective

The ample domain of clinical as well as theranostic applications of super paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles demands the need for establishing a complete toxicological profile of these nano particles in a regulatory perspective prior to its intended