Tag Archives: satisfaction

How to improve workers’ satisfaction: The promise of emotional intelligence and work engagement

How to improve workers’ satisfaction. AoS

There is an increased attention paid to which psychological factors help individuals to deal with their daily work-related demands so they feel healthier, happier, and more satisfied at their work. Job satisfaction is a multidimensional psychological response

Chronic Care Model and multi-morbidity patients. Insights from patients’ perception

Chronic Care Model. AoS

More and more countries have been implementing chronic care programs, such as the Chronic Care Model (CCM) to manage non-acute conditions of diseases in a more effective and less expensive way. Among the CCM components there are

Has temporary agency work negative effect on well-being?

Over recent decades many workers have been employed with a temporary agency contract. Little is known about the effect of this status on job conditions and workers’ well-being over time. The current study focused on a sample