Tag Archives: bipolar disorder

How can lithium prevent stroke – Is the inner cell layer of our vessels the key?

Since decades, lithium is one of the most effective drugs for psychiatric diseases such as bipolar disorders; but lithium has a narrow therapeutic window. This means that lithium concentration in patients’ blood should be kept in a

Family and bipolar disorder: where are we now?

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness characterized by severe high (mania or hypomania) and low (depression) moods that alternate with periods of relative stability (euthymia). Although the frequency and severity of the episodes vary from one individual

Melatonin and serotonin in psychiatric and brain disorders

Melatonin is well known as a treatment for jet lag, being naturally released by the brain when we close our eyes to go to sleep. However, recent research shows that melatonin is released by many, if not

Loneliness matters for people with psychotic disorders

When you ask people with a psychotic disorder, like schizophrenia, what challenges them most in daily life they are likely to say – ‘loneliness’. As nearly everyone can attest, loneliness is painful. It’s the distressing feeling that