Tag Archives: diagnose
64Cu and 67Cu radionuclide to diagnose and treat of cancer: Experimental and theoretical Production yields
Breathing problems in Parkinson’s disease: a common problem, rarely diagnosed
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder after Alzheimer’s disease. It is characterized by bradykinesia (slowness in movement) tremor, rigidity, and postural instability. Potential non-motor manifestations of PD include depression, anxiety, constipation, overactive bladder
The ADHD diagnose – a way of masking problems in society?
Difficulties with attention and hyperactivity among children have gained increasing concern during the past decades. Journalists, policy makers, researchers, teachers, healthcare professional, social workers, parents and others discuss how children with such difficulties should be understood and
22q11.2 deletion syndrome diagnosed in a young patient presenting with Parkinson disease
The relationship between clinical and standardised tests for hand-arm vibration syndrome
Screening breast MRI in patients with personal history of breast cancer
This study looked at patients who had a personal history of breast cancer diagnosed at a premenopausal age to see if having screening breast MRI provided a benefit to the patient. Patients with a personal history of
Rare disease day; 500 years ago
A rare disease is a life-threatening or chronically debilitating condition with a very low prevalence. Several institutions such as Food and Drug Administration (FDA), European Medical Agency (EMA) and Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) have put in place