Tag Archives: fracture

Mechanical vibrations can indicate if a fracture is healing

Mechanical Vibrations can indicate if a fracture is healing

One of the most critical issues in orthopaedics is the development of a procedure for assessing fracture healing in an objective way and by means of a non-invasive approach, replacing the actual gold standard based on X-rays.

Optimization of fracture healing by improved stabilization

Millions of fractures occur every year worldwide. Most of them heal uneventfully but 5-10 % show delayed healing or non-union. This leads to a great burden for the patients and high economic load for the healthcare system.

Approaching distal radius fractures from a unified perspective

Distal Radius Fracture (DRF) is one of the most common traumatic orthopedic conditions among adults. However, a common metric to assess outcomes does not exist. We propose a comprehensive approach to outcomes assessments for DRFs that would

Primary care doctor follow up of buckle fractures of the forearm

A buckle fracture of the distal radius (wrist bone) is a very minor fracture and the most common fracture in childhood. A “buckle” fracture occurs when there is a wrinkling of the outer edge of the bone