Tag Archives: genetic testing

New literacy challenge: genetic knowledge is poor even among well educated

genome, genetic testing, genetic literacy, genetic discrimination

The beginning of the 21st century marked the beginning of the genomic era and of a new literacy challenge – genetic literacy. From genes we can now extract information related to all aspects of peoples’ lives. This

Next generation sequencing, a new gold standard for clinical gene panel testing

The adaption of the Next Generation Sequencing ( NGS ) technology to clinical laboratories has revolutionized the molecular diagnostics by reducing the costs and increasing the throughput. Clinical use of NGS enables simultaneous testing of multiple genes

Focusing on the most relevant gene variants in inherited breast and ovarian cancer

Modern sequencing technology (which has begun to become adopted in clinical labs) can provide invaluable genetic information of individuals, such as those with a family history of early onset breast cancer. However, this information also results in

Type of breast cancer provides clues to genetic susceptibility

Breast cancer is a common disease affecting 1 in 11 women in the UK but like many common cancers incidence increases with increasing age. Only 1 in 1,700 women younger than 30 and 1 in 228 women

Why do people undergo genetic testing – for personal benefits, for family, or for science and society?

Genetic testing is an important tool to detect gene mutations (e.g., BRCA1/2) that increase the risk of cancer, especially among those who are known to have higher chances of carrying these mutations such as Ashkenazi Jewish individuals.