Tag Archives: human genetics

3rd International Conference on Embryology and Human Genetics. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. October 17th – 18th, 2018

It’s a great pleasure and an honor inviting you for the “3rd International Conference on Embryology and Human Genetics” to be held on October 17th – 18th, 2018 at Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Embryology 2018 aims to

What about the real costs of next generation sequencing (NGS) in human genetic diagnostics?

Human genetics diagnostics (HGD), which always has to go together with human genetic counselling, is a rapidly developing field. HGD may become necessary in case of familial cancer syndromes, infertility, prenatal abnormal sonography or a child born

Time to reflect as chromosomes loop-the-loop

Scientists are developing ever more detailed models to explain how DNA is stored inside our cells, and why it adopts the shapes it does. In a review of the latest research in the field Matthias Merkenschlager, of