Tag Archives: saliva

High phenolic content in extra virgin olive oil influences the release (time-intensity) of aroma compounds in mouth

The popularity of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is linked both to its pleasant sensory notes and health properties. The sensory notes of EVOO are attributed to the presence of aroma compounds while bitterness and pungency are

We are all different. Even when we look at saliva!

Saliva has increasingly been used as a diagnostic fluid since it is easier to collect and process than blood and it has similar diagnostic capabilities. Total protein profiles can be obtained from saliva by capillary electrophoresis and

Structure and function of the esophageal mucosa

Structure and function go hand-in-hand amongst the morphology, morphometry, biomechanics and secretory potential within the alimentary tract mucosa, submucosa and muscularis propria.  Structure must evolve first during the development of fetus and function follows closely and progressively