Tag Archives: thymus

Modern medicine is poisoned by professional arrogance

Modern medicine is poisoned by professional arrogance. The antidote is professional humility. The arrogance is exacting a high price. Several examples prove the point. For forty years physicians regularly irradiated the thymus glands of children because of

Thymus and surgeon: an attractive and challenging gland

The thymus is a small gland sited in the anterior-superior  mediastinum, approximately in the midline. It has  an h-shape  presenting two upper and two lower horns. It lies on the anterior surface of the pericardium starting from

The thymus: a small organ with a mighty big function

The thymus lies in the chest behind the breastbone and above the heart. Relatively large in infancy, it increases in size until puberty and thereafter shrinks to only a few grams in old age. It consists of