Daily Archives: December 21, 2016

Post-prandial excretion of calcium is a risk factor for calcium kidney stones

Calcium stones are caused by the precipitation of calcium-oxalate and/or calcium-phosphate on the surface of a kidney papilla. High urinary concentration of lithogenic ions, calcium and oxalate or phosphate, and urine supersaturation with respect to lithogenic salts

Interaction of glial cells with Zinc oxide nanoparticles

Zinc oxide nanoparticles have wide applications in electronics, goods packaging, cosmetics, daily care products as well as biomedical sector. The exposure risk of ZnO NPs has been evaluated in different organisms and cell lines. It is reported

Visualization of nutrient distribution in food

We know several kinds of molecules in food and agricultural, forestry, and fishery products. Some of these molecules improve our health, whereas some molecules harm our health. Conventional analytical techniques such as liquid chromatography (LC) or gas